| | |  | 《鷹》 譯 YuGong Song of Eagle, 兼贈戲雨飛鷹
Song: Eagle Artist: ABBA
They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spell I love hearing the stories that they tell They've seen places beyond my land and they've found new horizons They speak strangely but I understand
And I dream I'm an eagle And I dream I can spread my wings Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze High, high, what a feeling to fly Over mountains and forests and seas And to go anywhere that I please
As all good friends we talk all night, and we fly wing to wing I have questions and they know everything There's no limit to what I feel, we climb higher and higher Am I dreaming or is it all real?
Is it true I'm an eagle? Is it true I can spread my wings? Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky (I'm an eagle) I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze High, high, what a feeling to fly (What a feeling) Over mountains and forests and seas And to go anywhere that I please
And I dream I'm an eagle And I dream I can spread my wings Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky (I'm an eagle) I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze High, high, what a feeling to fly (What a feeling) Over mountains and forests and seas Flying high, high, I'm a bird in the sky (I'm an eagle) I'm an eagle that rides on the breeze High, high, what a feeling to fly (What a feeling) Over mountains and forests and seas And to go anywhere that I please
他們從遠方飛來,我已被深深迷住, 喜歡聽他們講述的故事。 他們的視野超乎我的所在,他們發現了新天地, 言語奇特,我卻能聽明白。
我夢見我是一隻雄鷹, 我夢見我能展開雙翅; 我是天上一隻鳥,飛得很高,很高, 我是一隻乘風翱翔的雄鷹; 高高飛躍群山、森林和海洋, 任意飛向理想的地方, 這感覺酷斃酷絕。
我們酷似好友通宵談論,我們比翼齊飛, 我有問題而他們無所不知, 我所能感知的東西無窮無盡,我們攀升得越來越高, 我身處夢境還是現實中?
我真的是一隻雄鷹? 我真能展開雙翅? 我是天空中的一隻鳥,飛得很高,很高, (我是一隻雄鷹) 我是一隻乘風翱翔的雄鷹, 高高地飛躍群山、森林和海洋; 飛向理想的地方, 這感覺酷斃酷絕。 (酷斃酷絕的感覺)
征程萬裏,怒展垂天翼,將吾深深迷; 故事動情,自然屬天成,不厭百回聽。 視野遼闊,遠遠超乎我,新天新地多。 言語奇特,清晰且透徹,輕易開心鎖。
入夢大驚,吾已化為鷹; 冥中生翅,怒展添聲勢。 一鳥高升,振翼向天衝。 乘風翱翔,姿雄誌昂揚。 山林海浪,跨越沒商量。 天空任飛,淋漓情酷斃。
酷似好友,徹夜談吐,比翼齊飛情悠悠。 生疑求問,摯友博聞,有疑必解情殷殷。 百感交集,無窮無極,盡意高飛情怡怡。 我乃處夢境,抑或現實中?
我乃一隻鷹? 真乃弋長空? 我乃空中鳥, 高飛不疲勞。 我乃一雄鷹, 萬裏駕東風。 俯瞰山林險, 大海卷狂瀾。 天空任我飛, 淋漓情酷斃。
宋德利 2008年7月26日
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