
In the News: Think Gas is High? Try Europe

(2008-05-28 18:38:15) 下一個
From CNN.com today -
American motorists are understandably grumbling over skyrocketing gas prices as the summer travel season approaches. But their pain hardly registers against the rage afoot in Europe these days. Fishermen, truck drivers and farmers are threatening to bring entire economic sectors to a halt with protests against crippling fuel costs. The wave of angry action is expected to spread further across Europe in coming days, despite efforts by political leaders to feel the pain and figure out how to alleviate it.

Given the growing chorus of angry protests, it isn't surprising that leaders across Europe have begun scurrying for ways to provide some relief at the pump. But their margin for maneuver is limited...

Today's two words:
grumble - 抱怨不平, to express with discontent or grumbling
scurry - 匆匆ben跑, to move in a brisk pace

For ex.
I grumble behind closed curtains. I do so because my work doesn’t give me much freedom to grumble.
Fans scurry for last minute flights to Big Apple's Jazz Festival.

** I am attending a meeting today and in next two days. Pardon me for the late posts furnished after the meeting each day.
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