
In the News:

(2008-05-26 08:28:52) 下一個
LA Times reported today:
The first spacecraft designed to taste the water of an alien planet landed safely on Mars' northern pole Sunday afternoon, beginning a three-month mission to determine whether the Red Planet ever did, or still might, support rudimentary forms of life.
"We have the best team in the world," said an exultant Barry Goldstein, the project manager, who has devoted the last five years to this mission.

About two hours after the landing, the first images came back from Phoenix crystal clear, showing that its solar arrays had been successfully deployed and the craft was sitting on a stable and safe surface.
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Memorize the following words:
rudimentary - 原本的; of a primitive kind
exultant - 狂歡的, expressing great joy or triumph : jubilant

For ex:
Please have a look in nautilus and you will get a rudimentaty preview.
In sports arena, winners exultant, losers disappointed.

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