How are you doing?
I just got married yesterday J Ha-ha…
B-Taro attended my wedding and I would like to provide the photo to all of you by myself before Taro sends it to you.
In our wedding menu I could arrange several foods. It means we could add our food of memories in it.
From my side I added clam chowder and lobsterJ
I haven’t decided the place of honeymoon yet and hopefully it will be Boston thorough Chicago!
But it depends on my commissionable orders….Ha-ha
Please say hello to my friends; John C, Chung….
PS-J-san’s boy friend whose name is Atsushi also joined my wedding.
Atsushi is getting gray hair…. :-X
還記得麽,我們為了調和小A和Jeniffer的關係,用小A的名義給J姐姐買玫瑰花,我在AB男的慫恿下,還寫上了我愛你那麽肉麻的話,所以有上麵那個PS-J-san’s boy friend...再回想起來一切仍然那麽的美好!