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Is Your Heart Health In The Hands of a \'Cholesterol Dinosaur\'?

(2014-06-06 08:16:17) 下一個

Too many doctors are making these

Dinosaur Doctors Illustration

Here’s the inside scoop on what they’re overlooking about your cardiovascular health… Here’s why so many heart doctors are on the wrong track today:

By Stephen Sinatra, MD America's #1 Integrative Cardiologist®

Dr. Stephen Sinatra MD

Doctors have been targeting cholesterol as the primary cause of heart health concerns for almost 75 years. And they’ve had great success at reducing total cholesterol to unprecedented low levels.

But despite this, heart health still ranks as one of the leading health concerns people face. New studies show they are on the wrong track!

Clearly, “the cholesterol theory” as believed has been a big mistake. More and more research seems to confirm that other factors are far more critical to your cardiovascular well-being (as you will discover in this Special Report).

But “cholesterol dinosaurs” can be very stubborn!

Unfortunately (for their patients), old-school doctors just aren’t keeping up with these new findings.

They are so behind-the-times that I call them “cholesterol dinosaurs” because they still stubbornly cling to an idea that has failed us for nearly three-quarters of a century.

WARNING: If your cardiovascular health is in the hands of one of these dinosaurs, I strongly encourage you to read every word in this Special Report carefully — and with an open mind.

Because, ultimately, your health is in your own hands.

No doctor can make you eat healthfully…or exercise for you…or keep you away from the bad habits and toxic substances that impact your wellness — including the health of your heart. That’s your job.

It’s also your responsibility to educate yourself about the new ideas and discoveries that can potentially improve your health. Please don’t outsource this to any “expert.”

Remember: this is your life — and your heart and arteries certainly deserve the best health possible.


Why Doctors Are WRONG About Cholesterol!

Relying on your total cholesterol number alone is a huge mistake. Your heart’s health depends upon other factors that are more important. Here’s what it really takes to have a healthy heart and arteries for years to come…

french man

Why Cholesterol Can’t Explain “The French Paradox”!

The cholesterol level for an average French male is between 250 and 275. A “dinosaur doctor” would say: “That’s not good!”

But, guess what? The French have the lowest incidence of heart problems in Western Europe, despite consuming foods that are high in fat and cholesterol. This certainly shows that total cholesterol is no danger.

Keep reading to discover the true risk factors that most doctors are completely overlooking — and the easiest way ever to bring them under control.

FACT: Cholesterol is essential to your health!

Did you realize that your body simply can’t function without cholesterol (which is why your liver manufactures it)? The truth is…

Your body makes vitamin D and your sex hormones from cholesterol. Your brain and nervous system depend on it. So does your digestive system.

But the cholesterol dinosaurs just don’t get it. They still want you to lower your cholesterol as much as possible. But this advice is misguided in my opinion and dangerous to your health and well-being.

Today, there is a new understanding of cardiovascular health:

Your total cholesterol level is not the best indicator of the health of your heart and arteries. It’s actually a very unreliable measurement of your cardiovascular wellness.

The new school of cardiology now recognizes several other factors that are at least as important to the well-being of your heart and arteries. And if you haven’t heard the news yet, I will explain these new lifesaving factors in the pages ahead.

I’ll also tell you about an exciting new discovery that improves all of these critical factors like nothing I ever witnessed in my 30-plus years career practicing heart medicine.

This is a major new development — and you definitely won’t want to miss it!

Who Am I to Be Criticizing These Cholesterol Dinosaurs?

I wasn’t always a cholesterol critic. In fact, I believed the cholesterol theory “hook, line, and sinker” as a young doctor. But I soon changed my mind after witnessing its failure, time and again.

I was Chief of Cardiology for 9 years at Manchester Memorial Hospital in Eastern Connecticut — followed by 18 years as Director of Medical Education. Before going into private practice, I was Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation. So I’ve seen just about everything there is to see when it comes to problems concerning heart health. I’m not your average doctor when it comes to cholesterol. Why? Because I don’t believe cholesterol is the villain it’s made out to be when it comes to your heart’s health. In fact, it’s only one factor when determining overall heart health.

After witnessing the shortcomings of conventional cardiology, I began to investigate alternatives, such as preventive practices, therapeutic foods and better diet, nutritional supplements, emotional healing, and anti-aging.

This allowed me to provide my heart patients with the best of both worlds:

Conventional Medicine and Integrative Healing Techniques

My success in this area allowed me to author 12 books, including The Great Cholesterol Myth, Reverse HeartDisease Now, and Heartbreak and Heart Disease.

Now retired from clinical practice, I am free to help educate other physicians on the power of Holistic Cardiology. In addition to writing books on the subject, I write a weekly e-letter and a regular blog, and am still active in formulating nutritional supplements that support the heart.

Researchers Discover a Miracle Heart Substance in a Tiny Italian Fruit!

Dr. Stephen Sinatra Dr. Stephen Sinatra

I am positively wild with excitement about this new discovery! Why? Because nothing I’ve ever seen produces so many extraordinary cardiovascular benefits. Let me explain…

A huge “heart miracle” in a small, rare fruit!

The Bergamot orange is a small, fragrant fruit that grows along the southern coast of Calabria, Italy, which possesses remarkable — almost uncanny — health benefits.

Scientists found that citrus bergamot compounds are able to interrupt the production of cholesterol in the liver, thus reducing its presence in the blood. (It does this by inhibiting the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase.) By doing so, cholesterol is removed from the bloodstream.

This bergamot also removes LDL from the blood by binding it to bile acids, which are then moved to the large intestine and excreted from the body. As a result, bergamot is able to lower total cholesterol — and LDL, in particular.

This alone would certainly make the average “dinosaur doctor” happy. But this is only the beginning of bergamot’s awesome abilities…

Genius Chemists Go Nature One Better!

By extracting these bergamot compounds, scientists are able to concentrate its rich treasure of polyphenols, flavanones, and flavones.

This proprietary extract, called Bergamonte®, bestows remarkable cardiovascular health benefits, including the ability to help reduce triglyceride and promote normal blood glucose levels … boost HDL (the good cholesterol) … and improve the balance of LDL to HDL.

Impressive benefits!

The research that attracted me to Bergamonte was conducted in Italy in 2011. In their clinical trial, researchers documented significant cardiovascular benefits in those taking Bergamonte, and following a heart-healthy diet.

These findings were so impressive that I decided to make Bergamonte the cornerstone of my newest cardiovascular supplement, Advanced Cholesterol Solutions, which I believe is the finest product I ever created.


“I’ve been taking Advanced Cholesterol Solutions for several months. I recently had my blood tests and all were normal. I reached for your supplement and I’m glad I did. Thank you, Dr. Sinatra.”*

—   Art K.

*Results may vary.

Improvements worth shouting from the rooftops:

The researchers and I were utterly stunned by the results Bergamonte produced:

  • Total Cholesterol Reduced by 30.9%
  • LDL Cholesterol Reduced by 36.0%
  • Triglycerides Reduced by 38.8%
  • Blood Sugar Reduced by 22.4%

But the number that really caught my eye was the whopping increase in protective HDL:

HDL Cholesterol Increased by 40.1%

And these staggering improvements were produced in just 30 days by only two 500 mg capsules daily!

Bergamonte performed magnificently — and I was absolutely delighted!

All I needed to do was add a healthy dose of antioxidant nutraceuticals (in the form of vitamins C and E) so Advanced Cholesterol Solutions would also reduce the oxidation of cholesterol and other blood fats that can trigger inflammation.

This is how “the perfect cardiovascular supplement,” as I call it, was born.



Is Your Cholesterol Out Of Balance?

You probably already know that cholesterol is categorized into two major types: LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and HDL (high-density lipoprotein).

Cholesterol on a bus

LDL is commonly referred to as the “bad” cholesterol, while HDL is the “good guy.” But this popular belief is a faulty misconception!

You see, cholesterol is cholesterol. It has only one type. What doctors are referring to by “HDL” and “LDL” is the lipoprotein vehicles that carry cholesterol through your bloodstream.

These lipoproteins are like taxicabs. LDL, which is the smaller taxi, carries cholesterol molecules through your body and delivers it where it is needed. HDL, which is more like a bus, picks up the leftover cholesterol and escorts it back to the liver for recycling and excretion.

Cholesterol Balance

Look what’s more important than your total cholesterol:

LDL and HDL work as a team, which is why it’s important to have the right balance of the two.

But when the ratio of LDL to HDL falls out of balance — specifically when there is more cholesterol being delivered by the LDL taxis than the HDL buses can pick up — trouble can occur.

Getting your cholesterol into a healthy balance

Research over the past 50 years has repeatedly connected heart worries with out-of-balance cholesterol ratios.

In my opinion, these studies show that the ideal ratio of LDL to HDL is 3:1.

The reason I love Bergamonte so much is it raises HDL and lowers LDL, helping to promote a healthier ratio.

And this is exactly what the remarkable Bergamonte extract in my Advanced Cholesterol Solutions can help you accomplish. Just look at the example above…



Why High HDL Is So Critical!

Having a high level of HDL cholesterol (ideally, 60 mg/dL or above) is a very good thing. Even the cholesterol dinosaurs recognize this. But you don’t hear much about raising your HDL level from them because they lack a successful solution that accomplishes this. (This is because they believe HDL levels are genetic.) Therefore, they focus on lowering your LDL and total cholesterol number.

HDL on a bus

Why you want to raise your HDL as high as possible:

Having lots of big-capacity HDL buses cruising through your bloodstream means that you’ll have fewer cholesterol particles stranded in your arteries where they can wreak havoc.

Having more HDL allows these buses to scoop up these stranded cholesterol particles, which leads to better cardiovascular health.

But what if you aren’t genetically blessed with a high HDL level?

That’s the beauty of the Bergamonte extract in my Advanced Cholesterol Solutions. Here’s what I mean…

Yes, It Can Be Hard to Raise HDL by Normal Methods!

Usually, raising HDL levels is not easy to accomplish.

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The customary suggestions (exercise, fish oil, relaxation exercises, full-flush niacin, etc.) sometimes work —  but sometimes don’t.

This is why I am so excited about my new artery-protecting supplement, Advanced Cholesterol Solutions and its superstar ingredient, Bergamonte.

Clinical research shows that it produces impressive increases in your “good” HDL levels.

Give Your HDL a BIG Blast!

Now it’s much easier to give your HDL a healthy boost with Advanced Cholesterol Solutions containing Bergamonte extract. In clinical tests with actual patients, Bergamonte produced remarkable increases in HDL cholesterol:

HDL Results

And Advanced Cholesterol Solutions does much more. It targets all the critical markers of metabolic and cardiovascular health—not just your total cholesterol number.

Give Your Heart and Arteries “Full-Spectrum Protection”!

It’s time to go beyond merely managing your cholesterol. The real keys to protecting your heart and arteries are by targeting cholesterol fractions of HDL and LDL, by supporting healthy LDL cholesterol levels, reducing LDL oxidation, raising beneficial HDL levels, and lowering triglycerides.

Advanced Cholesterol Solutions targets all these important markers of metabolic and cardiovascular health — for truly natural and effective support.


Why Your Triglycerides Are More Important Than Doctors Think:

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Yes, your LDL and HDL cholesterol levels are important — but there is another fat in your blood that you must keep under control: Your triglycerides.

More and more cardiologists are realizing that promoting normal triglyceride levels is important for cardiovascular health.

What are triglycerides?

Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in your body. They are formed in your liver from excess calories and glucose that aren’t burned after your meals. Because they circulate in your blood, it is very important to control triglycerides for total heart health.

In other words, even if your cholesterol numbers are normal, not watching your triglyceride levels could be a big mistake. Unfortunately, too many doctors still fail to pay adequate attention to them.

secret of 100 year olds

VLDL: the “ugly” cholesterol

You already know about HDL and LDL cholesterol. But there is another type of lipoprotein vehicle that may be off your and your doctor’s radar screen. It is called VLDL (short for very-low-density lipoprotein) — and this guy is a real gangster.

VLDL particles are like a hot rod that carries triglycerides and LDL cholesterol through your bloodstream. So keeping VLDL under control is critical.

Most doctors can’t test for VLDL levels (which can’t be measured directly). But since VLDL transports triglycerides, knowing your triglyceride level indicates how much VLDL is in your bloodstream.

Why I Call Triglycerides “The Lifestyle Lipid” and How You Can Chop Yours Down to Size in Just 30 Days!

Triglycerides are produced by your diet. So the good news is that you can usually control them by improving your health habits, such as consuming less sugar and fewer refined carbohydrates … avoiding deep-fried foods and trans-fats … exercising regularly … and losing weight.

If you’re prone to high triglycerides, it’s a sign your body isn’t very efficient at clearing fat from your blood.

“Dinosaur doctors” say that a triglyceride level of less than 150 mg/dL is healthy. But in my opinion, this is not a safe number.

You should shoot for a triglyceride level between 50–100 mg/dL.

I developed Advanced Cholesterol Solutions to help you tame this dangerous risk factor.

In a clinical test, the Bergamonte in Advanced Cholesterol Solutions produced dramatic reductions in subjects with elevated triglyceride levels.1 Researchers recorded reductions ranging from 29.9% to 38.8% (depending on dosage).

bergamonte chart

How would you like to see your triglyceride level go down like this? Imagine how pleased you and your doctor will be when your next blood test comes back with reductions like these?

And I promise you will: You must see an impressive reduction in your levels in just 30 days or you won’t pay a penny for my Advanced Cholesterol Solutions. (See my 100% Results Guaranteed Promise.)

1 Mollace V, et al. Fitoterapia 2001;82:309-16


The Blood Sugar Connection to a Healthy Heart and Arteries!

Sugar Shack Drive-thru

For decades, doctors have told you to limit your intake of dietary fats because they are bad for your heart and arteries. But then came the big bombshell:

Sugar and refined carbohydrates are even WORSE for you!

Too bad the “dinosaur doctors” still don’t recognize this connection. The truth is, foods and beverages that spike your blood glucose levels (like sodas, sweets, bread, and refined carbohydrates) aren’t good for your heart and arteries.

Sugar and carb consumption are at record highs!

I’ve been saying for years that one of the best ways to improve your cardiovascular health is to keep your blood sugar levels low. How? By eating less sugar and fewer processed carbohydrates.

But this isn’t always easy to do because there’s so much “hidden” sugar in today’s processed foods.

Advanced Cholesterol Solutions can really help!

I created Advanced Cholesterol Solutions to help people like you keep your blood sugar at a healthier level.

And boy, does it ever! Just look…

In less than 30 days, the Bergamonte in Advanced Cholesterol Solutions significantly lowered the blood sugar levels in actual patients by up to 22.4 % (depending on dosage).3

That’s a very impressive reduction in blood sugar, to be sure. And so fast, too!

This alone is remarkable — but when you consider the other improvements it produced in the most important risk factors, you can understand why I’m so excited about this new product.

3 Mollace V, et al. Fitoterapia 2001;82:309-16

Even “Healthy Eaters” Need Extra Help

Sugar and sweeteners are everywhere! Do you realize that the average person consumes 150 pounds of sugar and sweeteners per year? Most people are completely unaware — because so many of these sweeteners are added to processed foods to make them more appealing.

But sweets and sugar aren’t the only problem.

Many carbohydrate foods can be even worse for your blood sugar! Sneaky “health foods” such as whole wheat bread … granola … and 100% fruit juice … plus many others, can get your blood sugar into big trouble FAST.

Now … here’s extra help for you:

It’s hard enough to maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol these days. That’s why I created Advanced Cholesterol Solutions — because there is no such thing as having too much help when it comes to your cardiovascular health.


Don’t Let Your Cholesterol Catch On “Fire”… Fight Back Against Oxidative Cholesterol

Here’s a little-known fact that most patients — and their “dinosaur doctors” — aren’t aware of:

Marilyn Testimonial

" Finally got that blood work done and am satisfied with the results I am getting after using Advanced Cholesterol Solutions 1x per day for a while now. I am definitely staying with Advanced Cholesterol Solutions!”*

—Marilyn T.

*Results may vary.

“Oxidized” cholesterol causes inflammation

If you ever left butter unrefrigerated until it went rancid, you witnessed oxidation at work. Exposure to oxygen creates free radicals — a gang of molecular hooligans bent on a crime spree. This is why the butterfat “spoiled.”

Since cholesterol is also a fat, these free radicals contribute to inflammation in your body. And you definitely want to avoid too much inflammation!

How to reduce this oxidation

You probably know about antioxidants. This is a class of nutrients that neutralize oxidation (hence, the “anti-”) before it can take place. Antioxidants are like security guards that keep free radicals in line.

Since the cholesterol stranded by the LDL taxis is most easily oxidized, free radicals pick on it first.

Arresting Free Radicals

“Arrest” oxidation before the crime!

Therefore, reducing LDL oxidation may be your most powerful means of protecting your heart.

Now you understand why I added two key “oxidation-fighting antioxidants” (vitamins C and E) to my Advanced Cholesterol Solutions.

These antioxidants are like security guards who follow closely behind the VLDL motorcycle gangs and LDL taxis.

The instant they sense free radicals trying to cause trouble — or stranded cholesterol being oxidized —  the antioxidants step in and nip trouble in the blood.

Reduce Inflammation: The Real Villain

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The “dinosaur docs” still believe that cholesterol is the greatest threat to your heart’s health.

Yet, tons of research conducted over the past 20 years shows that the real troublemaker is inflammation.

When inflammation exists unchecked in the cardiovascular system, it can spell trouble.

And what triggers this inflammation?

It is repeated oxidation in your arteries. If you can reduce oxidation, you will reduce the level of inflammation. And that’s what my Advanced Cholesterol Solutions accomplishes for you.

Scientific research shows:

When scientists tested these antioxidants in the human body, they found that vitamins C and E:

  • Reduced the oxidation of cholesterol and fats in the body.
  • Encouraged healthy blood vessel function.
  • Vitamin C, in particular was found to be “superb” at fighting free radicals, one of the main contributors of blood vessel dysfunction and LDL cholesterol oxidation.

What Doctors Aren’t Telling You About Your Triglyceride/HDL Ratio:

Forget about your total cholesterol number! Now there’s a more reliable way to determine your heart health.

It’s called the “triglyceride/HDL ratio.” Here’s how it works:

  • As you’ve already seen, high levels of triglycerides indicate you have more VLDL (the “ugly” lipoprotein that carries triglyceride fat through your bloodstream).
  • You also know that HDL is called the “good” cholesterol because it seems to have strong protective powers.
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What these two factors together say about your cardiovascular health:

An important study showed that people who had the highest triglyceride-to-HDL ratios have a whopping 16 times the risk as those with lower ratios!4

4 Gaziano JM, et al. Circulation 1997;96:2520-25

If, for example, your triglycerides are 150 mg/dL and your HDL is 50 mg/dL, you have a ratio of 3 (150:50). If your triglycerides are 100 mg/dL and your HDL is 50 mg/dL, you have a ratio of two (100:50).

My decades of experience as a cardiologist have determined that a ratio of 2 or 3 indicates ideal cardiovascular health (regardless of your cholesterol levels), but a ratio above 3 is a red flag for future problems.

One of the most powerful solutions I’ve seen for reaching the optimal ratio is Bergamonte extract. That’s why I added it to my Advanced Cholesterol Solutions.

Research suggests that it significantly reduces triglycerides and increases HDL cholesterol levels at the same time!

Clinical research with actual patients reveals that Bergamonte exerts a  powerful effect on reducing triglycerides, while boosting HDL levels. Just look at these results:

Bergamont Chart

These are amazing improvements!

You must see results like these in just 30 days — or it’s free! In fact, I’ll guarantee your results — or my Advanced Cholesterol Solutions is yours absolutely free. (See my 100% Results Guaranteed Promise!)

I created Advanced Cholesterol Solutions so you and your loved ones can …

Stay Heart-Healthy by Targeting ALL These Factors With Just One “Shot”!

Now, just one unique supplement targets the most important factors that are critical to your cardiovascular health and wellness.

Gone are the days of just lowering total cholesterol!

Simply lowering your total cholesterol number is an outdated way to maintain the health of your heart and arteries.

The real keys to managing the health of your heart and arteries are by targeting cholesterol fractions of HDL and LDL, by supporting healthy LDL cholesterol levels, reducing LDL oxidation, raising beneficial HDL levels, and lowering triglycerides.

Advanced Cholesterol Solutions targets all these important markers of metabolic and cardiovascular health — for truly natural and effective support.

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“Full-Spectrum Support” for Your Heart and Arteries!

The exclusive Bergamonte extract in my Advanced Cholesterol Solutions is clinically shown to significantly improve these markers that you should be most concerned about. Including:

  • Total Cholesterol...Reduced by 30.9%
  • LDL Cholesterol.....Reduced by 36.0%
  • HDL Cholesterol.....Increased by 40.1%
  • Triglycerides.......Reduced by 38.8%
  • Blood Sugar.........Reduced by 22.4%

And these stunning improvements occurred in only 30 days with just two 500 mg capsules daily!

How would you like to see these improvements on your next blood test?

  • Picture the stunned look on your cardiologist’s face when he sees how low your LDL has fallen!
  • Imagine how secure you will feel knowing that your protective HDL has climbed so high!
  • Feel the blessed relief at having your blood sugar (perhaps the most underestimated factor affecting your heart and arteries) staying within the normal range!

One formula does it all!

Now you can understand why I’m so excited about this new breakthrough discovery! And I want you to see these spectacular improvements with your own eyes — so you can be a believer, too. So here’s my “100% Results Guaranteed” promise to you:

You and Your Doctor Must See Dramatic Improvements in Just 30 Days— or You Won’t Pay a Penny!

That’s right! My Advanced Cholesterol Solutions must give you significant improvements in all these important markers of cardiovascular health in just 30 days — or it’s free!

You have my word on it!

Dr. Stephen Sinatra MD

Stephen Sinatra, MD, FACC, FACN

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