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脂連蛋白 adiponectin

(2013-10-01 09:20:27) 下一個

Adiponectin is a hormone produced by fat cells that helps break down lipids and glucose. It also fights inflammation in blood vessels. High levels of adiponectin reduce inflammation, and low levels of adiponectin are associated with a number of health problems, including high blood glucose levels and insulin resistance.

Studies show that low levels of adiponectin are an independent risk factor for prediabetes and diabetes.

Adiponectin levels above 10 ug/mL are considered cardioprotective. Levels below 4 ug/mL in men and 6.5 ug/mL in women increase risk for prediabetes.



Fiber, Fish Oil & Exercise Boost Adiponectin

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
By: Byron J. Richards,
Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Listen to Byron's Recap
Weekly Health Podcast >


Adiponectin, like leptin, is a hormone secreted from your white adipose tissue. It is a powerful hormone that regulates insulin function and reduces inflammation in your circulatory system. As your weight goes up your adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. goes down, making you more at risk for insulin resistance, continued weight gain, risk for type 2 diabetes, and increased amounts of cardiovascular inflammation. While a variety of nutrients have been shown to support healthy levels of adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. , a new study points out that the basics of increased fiber, fish oil intake, and regular exercise all help raise your adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. levels. 

A review of the scientific literature regarding the influence of diet on adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. levels showed that Daily intake of fish or omega-3 supplementation increased adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. levels by 14 to 60 percent. Weight loss achieved with a low-calorie diet plus exercise increased adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. levels in the range of 18 to 48 percent. A 60 to 115 percent increase in adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. levels was obtained with fiber supplementation.

When a person is healthy leptin and adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. levels rise and fall together, in harmony, as reflected by healthy metabolism. As a person gains weight then leptin levels rise inappropriately (leptin resistance) and adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. levels fall. Low adiponectin Protein hormone that modulates metabolism including glucose and fatty acid catabolism. High levels are associated with low body fat. is a nightmare for your body, causing multiple health problems that lock each other into place and progressively worsen over time leading to disease.

The simple fact that basic nutrition such as DHA Docosahexaenoic acid Essential omega 3 fatty acid integral to the health of all cell membranes, nerve and brain function. Must be gotten through the diet via cold water oceanic fish or some very limited plant sources or taken as a supplement. fish oil and fiber, along with exercise and watching your diet can undo this horrid state of affairs is very good news for anyone.



Raspberry Ketone: Dr. Oz Touts 'Miracle' Weight Loss Supplement, But Is It Real?

UPDATED 3/30 12:30 p.m. ET: Supplement companies are scrambling to release a new weight-loss aid called red raspberry ketone. Just today, Pure Health released a 400 mg capsule. Their timing couldn't have been better: Dr. Mehmet Oz touted the aromatic compound, derived from red raspberries, on his show, calling it "the number one miracle in a bottle."

As Oz explains, raspberry ketone, or RK, may stimulate the production of adiponectin, a hormone found in fatty tissue that improves our ability to metabolize fat. RK is similar in structure to capsaicin, according to researchers -- an extract from hot peppers that is similarly associated with improved fat metabolism. Studies show that thin people have higher levels of adiponectin than overweight and obese people. What's more, researchers agree that the hormone helps regulate weight.

"Adiponectin actually improves insulin sensitivity and will result in weight loss," says Mark Hyman M.D., author of The Blood Sugar Solution. Still, he thought the claims about the supplement were a stretch.

After all, the studies that investigate RK's effect on adiponectin and weight loss were conducted in mice, not people. To date, there have not been any human trials to back up these claims. Without a single long-term study of the compound's effects on humans, any health claim is pure extrapolation. Still, the studies in mice do show some promise. Most recently, a 2010 study from Korea's Food & Drug Administration found that male mice who were given a high-fat diet along with an RK supplement had elevated secretion of adiponectin and, along with that, increased metabolism of fatty acids and less fat storage.

A similarly-designed 2005 study from Japan found that mice given a high-fat diet for six weeks and then, for an additional five weeks, the same high-fat diet along with one percent RK. They found that the supplement prevented weight gain, fat accumulation around the liver and triglyceride levels associated with eating the high-fat food. But many experts remain skeptical that such results can be replicated in people.

"RK might make 3T3L1 cells engage in lipolysis, but that is a far cry from doing it in humans," Dr. Robert Lustig, a neuroendocrinologist and professor of pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at University of California, San Francisco wrote about the research in an email to Healthy Living. What's more, "adiponectin correlates inversely with fat cell mass, but no one has shown the giving adiponectin reduces fat cell size."

As Oz explains, raspberry ketone, or RK, may stimulate the production of adiponectin, a hormone found in fatty tissue that improves our ability to metabolize fat. RK is similar in structure to capsaicin, according to researchers -- an extract from hot peppers that is similarly associated with improved fat metabolism. Studies show that thin people have higher levels of adiponectin than overweight and obese people. What's more, researchers agree that the hormone helps regulate weight.

"Adiponectin actually improves insulin sensitivity and will result in weight loss," says Mark Hyman M.D., author of The Blood Sugar Solution. Still, he thought the claims about the supplement were a stretch.

After all, the studies that investigate RK's effect on adiponectin and weight loss were conducted in mice, not people. To date, there have not been any human trials to back up these claims. Without a single long-term study of the compound's effects on humans, any health claim is pure extrapolation. Still, the studies in mice do show some promise. Most recently, a 2010 study from Korea's Food & Drug Administration found that male mice who were given a high-fat diet along with an RK supplement had elevated secretion of adiponectin and, along with that, increased metabolism of fatty acids and less fat storage.

A similarly-designed 2005 study from Japan found that mice given a high-fat diet for six weeks and then, for an additional five weeks, the same high-fat diet along with one percent RK. They found that the supplement prevented weight gain, fat accumulation around the liver and triglyceride levels associated with eating the high-fat food. But many experts remain skeptical that such results can be replicated in people.

"RK might make 3T3L1 cells engage in lipolysis, but that is a far cry from doing it in humans," Dr. Robert Lustig, a neuroendocrinologist and professor of pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at University of California, San Francisco wrote about the research in an email to Healthy Living. What's more, "adiponectin correlates inversely with fat cell mass, but no one has shown the giving adiponectin reduces fat cell size."

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