
Love is...

(2008-05-06 11:16:19) 下一個

So, love is a decent word.
It carries all your pains
and sorrows away.
And love is patient.
Love is giving.
Love is forgiveness.
And one day, when you find love,
your dream is just become true.
——《HOLY BIBLE》(聖經)

So, love is a decent word.
It brings all your pains
and sorrows plus more.
And love is government tax.
Love is taking.
Love is insane-ness
And one day, when you find love,
your dream is just a dream.

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似水佳人 回複 悄悄話 很悲觀哦~~

When your true love comes to you,dream will come true.~:)
飛飄飄 回複 悄悄話 牛,看破紅塵,哇哈哈!
jerryus 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈,聰明地家夥,看得那麽透。。。笑死樂。。。
綠葉喚喚 回複 悄悄話 哈哈哈哈,你這家夥!