Mothers Wanted
(2008-05-10 17:36:59)
Job Title: Mother, Mom, Mommy
Requirements: 7x24, overtime with no pay, kind, patience, patience, patience, and a good listener.
Necessary Skills: Iron Chef cooking skills, up to date on current news, drives like Dale Earnhardt and super-human ability to multitask.
Vacation: none
Salary: none, no promotion, no raise and no bonus. Maybe a card, once a while.
Benefits: 5 hours of sleep, on average, except when I’m sick. Casual or sloppy dress code. Life-long contract, and a day dedicated to you – Mother’s Day.
媽媽, 謝謝您, 對不起您, 從沒忘記您. 母親節快樂. \\民