2009 (1144)
2010 (770)
2015 (68)
2016 (326)
Woerners局長在博客裏宣稱著陸器“半軟著陸”(semi-soft touchdown),成功80%,整個ExoMars 2016項目成功96%(數學真好)
Some people have asked about the success of the 2016 mission so far. For the number-crunchers among them the following observation may be helpful:
The importance of TGO and EDM can be described as 80% vs. 20%, respectively. Since we obtained at least 80% of the data during the descent, the overall success rate can be calculated as follows: 80+20*0.8 = 96%. All in all, a very positive result.
So to sum up where we stand, we have achieved a successful orbit insertion of TGO, ready to perform science and act as a relay station for ExoMars 2020 ground science. Not only that, but we have received a large quantity of data from the lander giving us crucial information to help us perform a successful landing of the next mission.
http://blogs.esa.int/janwoerner/ ... ing-is-an-art-form/
But ESA will have to present their case at a meeting of the agency’s member states in December when officials ask European governments for around $330 million (300 million euros) to make up for a shortfall in funding for the construction of the ExoMars 2020 rover.