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英國新編曆史課本: 中國印象

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  最近看了一套新編的英國中學曆史教科書 (2008年出版)。
  History in Progress (出版社:Heinemann)的這套書,第一冊裏,有四頁介紹中國,第二冊共有八頁。


  1)公元1000年,英格蘭人的生活是怎麽樣的?(How did people live in England in 1000)
  2) 在諾曼人的統治下,人們的生活如何改變? (How did life change under Norman rule?)
  3) 在中世紀時,在中國生活的情況怎麽樣?(What was life like in China in the Middle Ages?)
  4)在中世紀時,在倫敦生活的情況怎麽樣?(What was life like in London in the Middle Ages?)
  5)中古時期的英國人害怕什麽?(What did medieval English people fear?)
  6) 在中世紀時期,女人的生活如何?(What was life like for women in the Middle Ages?)
  7) 印刷機如何改變世界? (How did the printing press change the world?)
  8)在都鐸時期,誰照顧窮人?(Who looked after the poor in Tudor times?)
  9) 在都鐸時期,人們如何享樂?(How did people enjoy themselves in Tudor times?)
  介紹了這九個主題後,還有一個文化總結。總結的標題是:“比較中古時期,在中國和英格蘭的生活”(Life in medieval China and England)
  在介紹中國的這四頁裏,第一個重點是中國的發明(Chinese inventions),第二個重點是“在元大都(汗八裏)城市的生活是怎麽樣的?”(What was life like in the city of Khanbaliq?)

  標題是:What do you know about China?(中國你知道多少?)
  課文是這麽寫的:These days China is one of the most important countries in the world. It has a population of about 1.3 billion. That’s more than 20 times the population of the United Kingdom. Many of the things that we use in our day-to-day lives are made in China.
  接著又談了中國的幾大發明:Postal service, cannons, porcelain, paper money, silk, canals, printing, gunpowder, iron and steel. (郵遞服務、火炮、瓷器、紙幣、絲綢、運河、印刷術、火藥、鋼鐵)
  (In the thirteenth century China had an efficient postal service. The best service was for the Emperor’s letters. These were carried by trusted messengers on horseback. They were given fresh horses every few kilometres so that they could travel up to 400 kilometres a day. Second class messages were carried by foot-runners with relay-stations 5 kilometres apart.  )




        昨天提到了英國一本新的曆史教科書裏,提到了中國的發明。(教科書:History in Progress,第一冊,出版社Heinemann)
  課文的第二個重點是:“在元大都(汗八裏)城市的生活是怎麽樣的?”(What was life like in the city of Khanbaliq?)

(At the beginning of the thirteenth century, when King John was arguing with the barons in England, people in Asia and even Eastern Europe faced a far more serious threat. From Mongolia came huge armies of fierce warrior horsemen: the Mongols. The Mongols destroyed villages, towns and cities killing those who got in their way. By the middle of the thirteenth century the huge Mongol empire had spread across most of Asia.)
  Did you know?
  (The Mongols were very fierce indeed. When they took the cityof Merv (which is in Turkmenistan these days) the Mongols killed all 700,000 inhabitants and ate all the cats and dogs – or so the story goes.)
  課文是如此介紹忽必烈的:誰是忽必烈?(Who was Kublai Khan?)
  (Kublai Khan was the Great Khan (great leader) of the Mongol Empire from 1260 to 1294. He was the grandson of the First Great Khan, Genghis Khan. The Mongols were known as fierce soldiers but Kublai Khan was a wise and tolerant ruler. He introduced paper money and improved the water supply. Kublai Khan also built roads, canals and great cities.)
  1)在十三世紀,你覺得中國最讓你吃驚的事是什麽?(What is the most surprising thing you have found out about China in the thirteenth century?)
  2)你覺得中國最有趣的事是什麽?(What is the most interesting thing you have found out about China?)
  (“There is a palace of great size and beauty with many halls and residential quarters. The roof blazes with scarlet and green and blue and yellow and every colour, so brilliantly varnished that it glitters like crystal and the sparkle of it can be seen far away.”)
  (“They use stones that burn like logs. It is true that they have plenty of firewood, too. But the population is so enormous and there are so many bath-houses and baths constantly being heated, that it would be impossible to supply enough firewood, since there is no one who does not visit a bath-house at least three times a week to take a bath- in winter every day, if he can manage it. Every man of rank or means has its own bathroom in his house. So these stones, being very plentiful and very cheap, effect a great saving of wood.”)
  (“The city has 12,000 stone bridges, and beneath most of these bridges a large ship might pass. Here are many merchants who are very rich. Their ladies do nothing with their own hands and they live in the most elegant manner. The people are idolaters, subject to the Great Khan, and use paper money. They eat the flesh of dogs and other beasts, such as no Christian would touch for the world. In the city are 4,000 baths, in which the people, both men and women, keep their persons very cleanly. They are the largest and most beautiful baths in the world.”)
  (“The streets are so broad and so straight that from one gate another is visible. It contains many beautiful houses and palaces, and a very large one in the middle which has a steeple with a large bell which at night sounds three times, after which no man must leave the city. At each gate a thousand men keep guard to keep Kublai Khan safe and prevent injury by robbers.”)
  讀完了這四段文字,學生(11歲到12歲)描述在中世紀,在元大都(汗八裏)城裏,人們的生活如何。最後,學生要用五個英文字,來總結中世紀的中國的生活。(Back to the start: Which five words would you use to sum up life in China in the Middle Ages?)



         英國的這本新曆史教科書,第二冊裏,有關中國的重點是:“清朝:人們遺忘了的帝國? ”。(教科書:History in Progress, 第二冊,出版社Heinemann)
  課文提到英國派出了馬戛爾尼伯爵(Lord Macartney)出使中國,場麵浩大。
  課文簡介了清朝有個朝貢製度(tributary system),各國使節要向乾隆皇帝叩頭。“要下跪叩頭三次,然後,臉部朝地,額頭著地三次。這樣,皇帝才會接受贈禮。(kowtowing – (kneeling) three times, then lying fully face down on the floor and touching the ground with your forehead three times. The emperor would then receive gifts.)
  (“England is not the only barbarian land that wishes to establish trade with our empire. Supposing that other nations were all to imitate your evil example and ask me to present them each and all with a site for trading purposes, how could I possibly agree?”)
  課文用這段話來總結:中國人克盡地主之誼,英國的使命,卻失敗了。(Although the Chinese were good hosts, the mission failed.)
  (Lord Macartney said he would only perform the kowtow if a Chinese person of his rank kowtowed to a picture of King George. The Chinese refused. If he had performed the kowtow, what would this have said about the power of the Chinese emperor compared to the power of King George?)



  今天繼續前文,記錄英國一本新曆史教科書裏,提到中國的重點。(教科書:History in Progress,第二冊,出版社Heinemann)
  課文第一段,用大白話來介紹清帝:“1662年到1795年,清朝共隻有三個皇帝。這三個皇帝都非常努力,把國家治理得很好。”(From1662 to1795 the Qing Dynasty was ruled by only three emperors. All three worked hard and ran the country well.)
  “清朝:人們遺忘了的帝國?”(The Chinese Qing: a forgotten empire?)裏,介紹了清朝的政治製度。在“清朝的統治”(How was the Qing Dynasty run?)裏,記載了清朝設六部(吏、戶、禮、兵、刑、工),每一部,隻用一句話概括。例如:
  Board of Civil Appointments: promoted and fired staff in the government.(吏:政府內,官員的升降)
  有趣的是,課文裏隻對‘刑’部(The Board of Punishment)感興趣,深入介紹,還加插了上圖。
  課文裏引用了兩段資料。課文說,第一則取自清朝法之第一法令(Article 1 of the Qing Legal Code):
  Five punishments:(五種刑罰)
  01)Beating with a light bamboo stick.用細竹枝擊打
  02)Beating with a heavy bamboo stick.用粗竹枝擊打
  03)Penal servitude (slavery). 苦役監禁
  05)Penalty of death.死刑
  課文說,第二則資料取自清朝法之第二法令(Article 2 of the Qing Legal Code):
  The ten great wrongs:(十大罪狀)
  01)Plotting rebellion.圖謀造反
  02)Plotting to overthrowing the emperor.圖謀推翻皇帝
  03)Plotting treason.圖謀叛國
  04)Killing close family.殺害近親
  05)Dismembering a person or making poisons.肢解他人或生產毒藥
  06)Lack of respect (making mistakes while preparing food).不尊敬(準備食物時犯錯)
  07)Cursing one’s parents or grand parents.詛咒父母或祖父母
  08)Killing relatives.殺害親人
  09)Killing your teacher or a superior officer.殺害老師或上級
  10)Sexual relations with your own family.血親相奸
  (“The emperor’s judgement failed in his later years. Not only did he pass much of his authority to a young bodyguard he favoured, he also failed to recognise social problems caused by overpopulation. The population had grown from 100 million in 1644 to 430 million in 1850. However, the number of government officials was not increased. Government officials gave responsibilities to less experienced members of staff or gave control of works to local rich gentry.”)
  (“By the end of the eighteenth century, Europeans in China worried about a lack of concern for the rights of the accused. In 1773 the Portugese authorities in Macao arrested an Englishman accused of killing a Chinese man but after finding him innocent, they released him. The Chinese officials insisted that since the victim was Chinese they should have jurisdiction. They arrested him again, found him guilty, and executed him.”)
  總結課文:清朝的政府製度看起來非常嚴謹。但是,這樣的製度也有弊端。(A)根據以上兩段文字,你認為,這樣的統治製度有何弊端?(B)以上兩段文字都是現代史學家所寫的。你認為,為什麽政府官員當時不可能提出這些問題呢?(Why do you think government officials would not have raised the issues at the time?)


  七月29,2010//2翻開英國一套新的中學曆史教科書,中國開始露麵了。(教科書:History in Progress,第二冊,出版社Heinemann)。今天寫第五篇,重點介紹,做為係列總結。
  “清朝是否水平高、有文化、平等?”(Was the Qing Dynasty educated, cultured and equal?)

  課文說,蔭餘堂屬於清朝一個黃姓商人。1996年,黃姓家族的後人把此古宅賣給了美國麻州塞冷鎮碧波地博物館(Peabody Essex Museum)。
William Morris(威廉莫裏斯):古建築保護協會宣言(1877年)

  課文還有一小段文字,改寫自William Morris(威廉莫裏斯)1877年的“古建築保護協會”宣言。威廉莫裏斯是英國工藝美術運動的領導人。

  接下來有兩頁,描述了清代婦女的生活(The life of a Qing Dynasty woman).

  另一則短文是教媽媽替女兒纏足的指示。“要從6歲開始……最理想是三寸金蓮。”(The desired length is 3 inches – the lotus foot.)
  課文以中西文化的對比做結束。“中國清代的纏足看起來似乎很野蠻,但是,這和同一時期裏,歐洲婦女的束腹(corset wearing)曆史很相似。穿著束腹會導致婦女身體變畸形。沒了束腹,女人無法坐著或站立,她無法深呼吸……。”
  (Chinese foot binding during the Qing Dynasty may seem barbaric. However, it bears a striking resemblance to European corset wearing, which was happening at the same time. Wearing a corset left a woman’s body deformed. She would be unable to sit or stand without a corset. She would find it impossible to draw deep breath…….)
  課文有一個思考題:比較中國的纏足(foot binding)和歐洲的束腹(corset wearing)。當時的男人如何看待女人?當時的女人如何看待自己?

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