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BBC: 穀歌撤, 股東能把決策者告上法庭

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穀歌撤, 股東能把決策者告上法庭

穀歌風波吹襲商界 反應各異








美國著名商業評論員Sara Lacey也說,如果穀歌在中國生意順風順水,穀歌要撤,穀歌的股東不僅要說“不”,而且還會把決策者告上法庭。去年10月穀歌中國前總裁李開複說,穀歌在中國PK不過百度是他離開的原因之一。




不過有分析說,這會進一步加強市場對網絡安全公司的需求,這類搞網絡安全的公司可能會成為穀歌-中國風波的受益者,比如McAfee, Symantec等。

美國商業評論員Sara Lacey認為,穀歌撤退中國可能僅僅是個開始,好戲還在後頭。她認為中國網絡遊戲開發商盛大遊戲收購美國在線遊戲網絡不是偶然的孤立事件。今後的大方向恐怕主要是財大氣粗的中國公司出去收購美國那邊有潛力的公司,而非美國公司進入中國。


穀歌和美國政府有沒有千絲萬縷的關係?或者更進一步說,穀歌背後有沒有政府靠山?有網友像偵探柯南一樣進行推理:“Google收購過一家叫Keyhole的公司,那是一家最初由中央情報局投資的間諜衛星圖片公司,Google的城府深吧,把CIA都給吞並了。Google的董事會上有兩位董事,一位來自紅杉,另一個來自KPCB,紅杉和KPCB是兩家名氣震耳欲聾的VC,也是有來頭有背景的,這兩家VC各有一位同姓的合夥人,一位叫Floyd Kvamme,另一位叫MarkKvamme,無巧不成書,他倆是父子,老爸Floyd是布什總統科學技術委員會聯席主席,兒子Mark是國防部長拉姆是菲爾德的座上客,紅杉的好幾家公司都是美國國防部的供應商……嘿嘿,這裏頭的想象空間可就大了哇,別說柯南同學扯遠了,911事件改變了人們對世界的看法:一切皆有可能!”

Keyhole, Inc
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Keyhole, Inc Fate Acquired
Successor Google
Founded 2001
Defunct 2004
Headquarters Mountain View, California, United States
Key people John Hanke, CEO
Keyhole, Inc, founded in 2001, was a pioneering software development company specializing in geospatial data visualization applications and was acquired by Google in 2004. Initially launched as a spin-off of Intrinsic Graphics, first round funding came from a Sony venture capital fund and others, additional capital came from an NVIDIA bundling deal, from the CIA (via its venture-capital appendage, In-Q-Tel) and from angel investor Brian McClendon (who later came on as a board member and VP). Keyhole\'s marquee application suite, Earth Viewer, emerged as the highly successful Google Earth application in 2005; other aspects of core technology survive in Google Maps, Google Mobile and the Keyhole Markup Language.

The name Keyhole is also a homage to the KH reconnaissance satellites, the original eye-in-the-sky military reconnaissance system now some 30 years old.

Contents [hide]
1 Notable personnel
2 Major product lines
3 Notable customers
4 References
5 External links

[edit] Notable personnel
Near the time of its acquisition by Google, Keyhole\'s management team included the following people:

John Hanke, CEO – previously worked in foreign affairs in Washington DC, Myanmar & Indonesia.
Brian McClendon, VP Engineering – previously with @Home, SGI.
Daniel Lederman, Director of Business Development – previously with Aerzone, Inc.
Bill Kilday, Director of Marketing – previously at Weelhouse Interactive, Cox Interactive.
Noah Doyle, Strategic Marketing – cofounded MyPoints, a startup acquired by United Online.
Andria Ruben, Director of Government Affairs – previously at Intrinsic Graphics, GigaPixel, CompCore.
The board also included:

Thomas Gewecke, Sony.
Michael T. Jones, CTO, Intrinsic Graphics.
[edit] Major product lines
At the time of its being rolled into Google Earth, Keyhole 2 consisted of 3 major branches: LT, NV, and Pro.
They also had EarthStream, a product for car navigation.
Keyhole got a big boost during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, when CNN, ABC, CBS & other major news networks used sophisticated 3D flyby imagery from its EarthViewer product line, to the delight of viewers and investors alike. One of the problems (Keyhole) faced as a small company was getting exposure, said NVIDIA\'s Dan Vivoli. This will certainly help.[1]

[edit] Notable customers
Keyhole boasted an active customer base in several sectors, including real estate, media, urban planning, state and federal governments, defense, homeland security, and intel, but at the time of its acquisition its only named customers were US Army CECOM, the United States Department of Defense, the National Imagery and Mapping Agency and the Middlesex County Sheriff\'s Office. Presumably these entities are now customers of Google, as well.

[edit] References
^ Kevin Manney (2003-03-21). Tiny tech company awes viewers. USA Today. http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/techinnovations/2003-03-20-earthviewer_x.htm.
[edit] External links
http://web.archive.org/*/keyhole.com - keyhole.com at the Wayback Machine

John Hanke is a founder and was the CEO of Keyhole, Inc., which was acquired by Google in 2004 and whose flagship product was renamed to Google Earth. Hanke is currently the vice president of Product Management for Google Earth & Google Maps.

Hanke received his bachelor\'s degree (Plan II Honors) from the University of Texas, Austin and his MBA from the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley in 1996. Prior to business school, he worked in foreign affairs, according to his bio, for an unspecified branch of the US Government in Washington, DC, and Myanmar. Upon Graduation, he subsequently helped start two successful entertainment software companies, Archetype Interactive and Big Network.


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