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來源地址: http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/de/fulltext/57570

譯者 medien

東土耳其斯坦,Renaya,德國,中國(本站報道)柏林利用中國西部地區新疆的騷亂來加強對北京的攻擊。綠黨主席 Claudia Roth要求,人民共和國必須著手對流血衝突給出“快速且沒有保留的解釋。有影響力的德國媒體認為北京的少數民族政策是“失敗的”,並認為中國正處在“爆發”前夕。維吾爾分離主義者多年來已和德國保持著緊密的聯係,他們在周末以反中國的屠殺的方式實施了謀殺性質的暴亂。領導這次暴亂的是位於慕尼黑的世界維吾爾大會,它致力於在西方為維吾爾費力政策爭取支持。該組織在五月已經在其最近的會員大會上確定了它的下一步行動計劃,舉行了外交事務聽證會。這個世界維吾爾大會在這次騷亂之前不久剛剛呼籲進行針對北京的遊行示威。根據來自北京的報道,該組織為周末發生的血腥暴力負責。








世界維吾爾大會建立於幾十年的德國-美國反對中國的合作背景之上。著名的分離主義者Erkin Alptekin在該組織的成立過程中起到了重要的作用;他的家族在維吾爾人的圈子力享有很高的聲望。Alptekin在1971年定居於慕尼黑並在此作為“高級政策顧問”為美國廣播機構自由廣播的總裁做顧問――這個時候,正是美國的間諜機構CIA開始同維吾爾分離主義者建立聯係的時候。“他們當中的幾個 ,如Erkin Alptekin,曾經為慕尼黑的CIA自由廣播電台工作過”,分析家B. Raman寫到,當時的印度政府內閣秘書,“那個時期處在最前沿的是分離運動”。Alptekin是世界維吾爾大會的創始主席,該大會2004年四月在慕尼黑成立,根據北京的信息和恐怖團夥保持著聯係。AC四月青年社區) l3 ^9 e6 p& \\6 ]4 ]. d


Alptekins的繼任者Rebiya Kadeer,中國1990年底最富有的女商人,自2005年以來以流亡者的身份生活在美國。2006年十一月她在慕尼黑被選為世界維吾爾大會的主席,並借此第一次訪問了柏林。僅僅一年之後,2007年10月,她就和政黨相關的基金會的代表以及聯邦議會的人權委員會建立了聯係,並在外交部進行了商談。她被係統地塑造成為維吾爾人的對外展示的公關形象――按照達賴喇嘛的榜樣塑造的,達賴喇嘛為西藏分離主義做同情廣告。Rebiya Kadeer (“維吾爾人的母親”)曾經多次獲得諾貝爾和平獎提名,她的生平曾在聯邦新聞記者會(譯者注:聯邦即德國)上被介紹過,那時還在德國媒體上得到了相應的關注。




The Future of East-Turkestan 2009/07/07
BEIJING/URUMQI/MUNICH (Own report) - Berlin is using the riots in the Xinjiang region in western China to launch strong attacks against Beijing. Claudia Roth, Chairperson of the German Green Party, is demanding that the People\'s Republic initiate speedy and unconditional investigations into the bloody conflicts. Influential media in Germany are declaring Beijing\'s minorities\' policy to be a failure, saying that China is confronted with an explosion. Uyghur separatists, who, with their anti-Han pogrom started the bloody riots last weekend, have maintained close ties to Germany for years. Their Munich-based representative, the World Uyghur Congress, has been active winning western support for Uyghur secessionist policy. During its last general assembly, held last May in Washington, the organization planned its next steps. They also have the ear of the German Foreign Ministry. The World Uyghur Congress had called for anti-Beijing demonstrations preceding these riots. According to Chinese reports, the Congress is behind last weekend\'s bloody violence. more

The Future of East-Turkestan 2009/07/07
BEIJING/URUMQI/MUNICH (Own report) - Berlin is using the riots in the Xinjiang region in western China to launch strong attacks against Beijing. Claudia Roth, Chairperson of the German Green Party, is demanding that the People\'s Republic initiate speedy and unconditional investigations into the bloody conflicts. Influential media in Germany are declaring Beijing\'s minorities\' policy to be a failure, saying that China is confronted with an explosion. Uyghur separatists, who, with their anti-Han pogrom started the bloody riots last weekend, have maintained close ties to Germany for years. Their Munich-based representative, the World Uyghur Congress, has been active winning western support for Uyghur secessionist policy. During its last general assembly, held last May in Washington, the organization planned its next steps. They also have the ear of the German Foreign Ministry. The World Uyghur Congress had called for anti-Beijing demonstrations preceding these riots. According to Chinese reports, the Congress is behind last weekend\'s bloody violence.
At least 150 people died in last weekend\'s riots in Urumqi, capital of China\'s northwest Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Tensions had been growing for quite some time in that region. In September, Uyghur separatists are planning protests for the 60th anniversary of Xinjiang\'s reintegration into the People\'s Republic of China. The Turkic speaking Uyghur, are a Muslim minority living in Xinjiang. Some of them are striving to merge Xinjiang as East-Turkestan with other Turkic language territories in Central Asia and consider it\'s secession from the People\'s Republic of China a prerequisite. The tensions in Xinjiang had intensified at the end of June, when two Uyghurs were killed in the violent conflict that erupted between Uyghurs and other Chinese in Southern China. Last weekend Uyghurs started an anti-Chinese pogrom in Urumqi, attacking non-Uyghurs, their homes and their cars with clubs, stones and knives. It is not known how many non-Uyghurs were killed during the pogroms and how many Uyghurs died at the hands of Chinese security forces, suppressing the riots.
An organization based in Munich, the World Uyghur Congress, is escalating tensions and most likely is also behind the calls for last weekend\'s ethnic pogroms. This organization is directing the Uyghurs living in exile in the west. It held its third general assembly at the end of Mai - in Washington. In this context, it, in cooperation with the US-American National Endowment for Democracy (NED), also organized a human rights conference focusing on solutions for the future of East-Turkestan. A representative of the German Society for Threatened Peoples (Gesellschaft für bedrohte V246;lker - GfbV) was listed among the speakers. The participation of US parliamentarians at the event[1] was very motivating for the Uyghur separatists. Subsequently, at the beginning of July, the World Uyghur Congress called for demonstrations in front of Chinese embassies around the world, under the pretext of protesting the deaths of two Uyghurs during the conflict in late June in southern China. According to the Chinese Xinhua news agency, the calls for the demonstrations were followed by appeals via internet, to be braver and to do something big - catch words that can be understood as a veiled instigation to violent action in Xinjiang.[2]
On the Forefront
The World Uyghur Congress draws on decades of anti-Chinese German-US cooperation. One of the founders of this organization is the prominent secessionist Erkin Alptekin, whose family is held in high esteem in Uyghur circles. He moved to Munich in 1971, where he became Senior Policy Advisor to the director of the US Radio Liberty. It was at that time, that the CIA began to establish contacts to Uyghurs seeking secession. Some, like Erkin Alptekin, who have worked for the CIA\'s Radio Liberty, are - in the meantime - on the forefront of the secessionist movement writes analyst B. Raman, the Indian government\'s former cabinet secretary.[3] Alptekin became the founding president of the World Uyghur Congress, established in Munich in April 2004, which, according to Beijing, has ties to terrorist milieus.[4]
In the Foreign Ministry
Alptekin\'s successor Rebiya Kadeer, who, at the end of the 1990s was the richest business woman in the People\'s Republic of China, has been living in exile in the United States since 2005. In November 2006, she was elected president of the World Uyghur Congress - in Munich - and, at this occasion, visited Berlin for the first time. Only a year later, in October 2007, she met with representatives of German party-affiliated foundations and the German Bundestag\'s Human Rights Committee in addition to holding talks with the German Foreign Ministry.[5] She is being systematically groomed to become the Uyghur PR overseas symbol - corresponding to the model of the Dalai Lama, appealing for sympathy for Tibetan separatism. Rebiya Kadeer (Mother of the Uyghurs) has been proposed several times already as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. Her biography was introduced in the German National Press Conference, receiving the German media\'s attention, at the time.
Three Peoples
The German media points with interest to the fact that Xinjiang, the region threatened by secessionists, is very significant to China. It constitutes a geo-strategic bridgehead to Central Asia and is rich in mineral resources; in particular extensive oil and natural gas deposits are believed to be in Xinjiang, as well as gold and uranium. But above all, the Uyghur secessionists are in no way acting in isolation. Alongside their contacts to western government circles, they also maintain close ties to the secessionists of the autonomous regions of Tibet and Inner Mongolia. Our three peoples are linked through geography, history and more recently also Chinese occupation, claimed the Dalai Lama in the late 1990s. I remain optimistic that in the not too distant future the true aspirations of the peoples of East Turkestan, Inner Mongolia and Tibet will be fulfilled.[6] The sympathy Berlin feels toward the Uyghur secessionists is based on hopes that the strategic rival, the People\'s Republic of China, could be seriously weakened by the loss of an enormous amount of territory leading from Tibet to Xinjiang to Inner Mongolia.
Please read also: Strategies of Attrition (I), Strategies of Attrition (II), Strategies of Attrition (III), Strategies of Attrition (IV), The Olympic Lever, The Olympic Torch Relay Campaign, Operations Against China, Particularly Manipulative, Mobilize at Any Time, Olympics in Beijing and Smash China.
[1] Conference to Celebrate Uyghur Week; www.unpo.org 18.05.2009
[2] Civilians and armed police officer killed in NW China violence; Xinhua 06.07.2009
[3] B. Raman: US and Terrorism in Xinjiang; South Asia Analysis Group, Paper No. 499, 24.07.2002
[4] China Seeks Int\'l Support In Counter-Terrorism; People\'s Daily Online 16.12.2003
[5] see also Strategies of Attrition (IV)
[6] B. Raman: US and Terrorism in Xinjiang; South Asia Analysis Group, Paper No. 499, 24.07.2002

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