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(2009-01-14 22:11:49) 下一個

India to send manned mission to moon before China
By Khabrein.Info Correspondent,

India to send manned mission to moon before China

New Delhi, Jan 13, 2009: Will India be able to send the manned mission to moon before China? Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) director today claimed that by 2015 India will send a manned mission to the moon, leaving behind Chinese plans for the same. China planned to send its manned mission to moon in 2017.

China has much developed space programme when compared to India. Chinese Lunar Exploration Program is a program of robotic explorations and human missions to the Moon undertaken by China National Space Administration (CNSA), China\'s space agency.

It uses Chang\'e lunar orbiters, rovers and soil return spacecraft and adapted Long March 3A, Long March 5/E and Long March 7 launch vehicles. The launch and the flight are monitored constantly by a TT&C System (Deep Space Tracking Network, with radio antennas of 50 m in Beijing, 40 m in Kunming, Shanghai and ürümqi, forming a 3000 km VLBI antenna.) and the Ground Application System, responsible for downlink data reception.
中國使用嫦娥繞月衛星、月球采樣返回器和適用的長征3A, 5/E,7 運載火箭。火箭和飛行器由TT&C 係統(遠天跟蹤網,由位於北京(50米口徑)、昆明(40米口徑)、上海、烏魯木齊的四台射電望遠鏡組成,相當於口徑為3000多公裏的VLBI 望遠鏡)和負責數據下行接收的地麵接收係統不間斷監測。

The first spacecraft of the program, Chang\'e 1, an un-manned lunar orbiter was successfully launched at Xichang Satellite Launch Center on October 24, 2007.

After the unmanned missions, Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2 that ISRO plans to send in three years time, ISRO plans to send a manned mission to the Earth\'s only natural satellite. The dream year is 2015.

India plans to achieve this rare feat much before China realises its manned mission to the Moon.

So far only the USA and the erstwhile USSR had sent manned missions to the moon. But only the USA had achieved the feat of actually landing man onto the lunar surface. India will be second nation if it succeeds sending man onto the moon\'s terrain as scheduled in 2020.

We believe that pushing forward human presence in space may become essential for planetary exploration, a goal we have set for ISRO, said ISRO chairman G Madhavan Nair.

ISRO chairman G Madhavan Nair said on Monday that India is now a major force in world in the space sector with the launch of Chandrayaan-I.

While speaking at a function organised by the Chhattisgarh Info-tech and Bio-tech Promotion Society (CHIPS) here, Nair said: ISRO projects are not only aimed at getting details of moon or space but to assist governments to design programmes of rural development through ISRO\'s space technologies mainly in field of agriculture and land development.

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