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(2008-09-30 01:27:28) 下一個



Silapanni [Pakistan Test Pilot, I translate the name from Chinese pronunciation, correct me if i'm wrong]:I feel very impressed by his manipulation system, excellent performance and mobility close-air support (CAS) and battlefield interdiction (BAI) , his air combat particularly worthy of praise..


The missile launching system is not in line with my habit, but its easy to operate, the reliability is very good. Compare to F-16 I flied, the reaction speed is a bit faster.

導彈發射係統手持姿態,不太符合我的習慣,但是,操作簡便,可靠性也是很不錯。對比我試飛的F16戰鬥機來 說,反應速度比殲10要慢一些。

J-10 is uniquely designed to compatible with American missiles, the radar scanning distance is very close with F-16. Compare with F16 the resolution is slightly low probability . However, the cockpit design is very modern, compared with the early F16AB, I can have to say it is far beyond.

殲10的觀瞄係統設計上十分獨特,他可以有效兼容我們目前使用的多種類型美國形式的導彈,雷達掃描距離與 F16比較接近。分辨率概率較之F16略有不足。但是,座艙設計十分現代,對比早期的F16AB來說,可以說完全超越。

The combat radius range to 1,100 km , with drop tanks the range can extend to 1,300 kilometers; Afterburner system is runing very attractive smooth. Resonance within relatively small, compare to F16AB..

加力係統工作十分順暢,開啟加力座艙內偕同震動概率比較低,比較舒適。比F16B的共振,要舒適很多。比較 適合快速突防使用作戰。航程方麵他大於F16的900公裏作戰半徑,可以延伸到1100公裏。加裝2座副油 箱可以提高到1300公裏。

Electronic sensor system seems slightly inadequate, particularly lack of rapid opening butterfly-lock-twisting incockpit . repairation is very tedious once, the transient fault.

電傳係統,略顯不足,特別是機艙內缺乏快速開啟蝶型鎖扭。一旦出現暫時性故障,修複十分繁瑣。操作軟件,目 前是中英文係統,沒有我國文字係統。但是,英文也是我們可以很好的接受的語言。

System software can supoort Chinese/English. However, English is also an acceptable language for us.


J-10 has full vision of backsight while Su27mkk 's backsight is weak..Data transmission systems of J-10 's is more complicated, it is not easy to master . possibiy due to China has to accompany a variety of early-warning radar systems, in our country, some of its functions can be eliminated accordingly to our early-warning radar link.

數據傳輸係統殲10顯得比較複雜,不容易快速使用,但是這與目前中國空軍配屬的多種預警雷達係統有關,如果 在我們國家,則會減少其一些相應功能,以適合我們為數不多的預警雷達連接係統。

Finally, I think that in combat, When I can pilot it out to fight our enemy ,Depend on the excellent air mobility, superior electronic fire control system. and the performance of the long-range precision-guided weapons, Add with my experience , I do think. My enemy should be ready to become a "droop angle spiral slide in air," they have no chance of survival.


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