
A day in the City

(2010-11-16 07:45:01) 下一個

1. A very intense musician

2. The next moment, relaxed

3 You can eat the street

4 Or here

5 Let go of your focus

6 Make a turn, then see a man in blue hat

7 A tired-looking girl in a lonely stand

8 A time of reflection on the train

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離離:) 回複 悄悄話 謝謝萬歲mm 留言。美的我鼻子直冒泡。
wunderlust 回複 悄悄話 Really like #6 - the contrast of colors, framing, and lighting. The model has all the spotlight; yet in your picture, the spotlight is on the casual man. Another contrast point is eye contacts of the 2 people - the model is looking at us trying to get our attention and the man is looking away. In the end, our eyes are drawn to the man. The way you capture the moment sends a very strong message and tells a story. Love it! You have great photogenic eyes :-)