2022 (4)
2024 (94)
2025 (4)
一天,在回家路上,小衝浪說,“Daddy, the fuel super buddies have for their rockets is not regular fuel.”
“OK, not regular fuel. Then, what kind of fuel is it?”老大我說,非常清楚自己捧哏的定位。
“It is nobel fuel.”小衝浪說,把前些天老大我跟他提到的nobel gases,nobel metals裏麵的概念借過來。
“Oh, nobel fuel. How does it work?”小朋友要舉二反一,老大我當然繼續捧。
“It only burns inside of the rocket engine. It does not burn outside.”小衝浪解釋。
“Wow, that means the fire hazard is very low! Right?”主意不錯!老大我繼續發掘。
“Yeah. Super budies can have infinite gallons of nobel fuel and zero fire hazard!”小衝浪很得意地宣告。
老大我開著車看著前麵的路況,可以想象他坐在car seat裏笑眯眯很得意得樣子。