Random Thoughts 46 - Dream Vacation Venue
(2013-02-12 02:14:06)
46. Dream Vacation Venue
The other day, in an icebreaker game, I was asked to describe to a small group what my dream vacation venue would be. Having just come back from a long business trip, I did not hesitate to say, "Home." Several group members shook their heads, but I was pretty happy with my choice. So many things that are routine, easy, and yet enjoyable at home simply become difficult or even impossible on the road. Also, I am luck to have three homes - the one with Ms Diver, the one of my parents, the one of my in-laws, and I am even luckier to feel welcomed and comfortable in all three. Why do I have to travel to other vacation venues in person? I'm perfectly happy to have others go there and watch their reports on TV or DVD, and I'll be content to be the rabbit king or couch potato, whichever you will call me.