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了解了一下,我們覺得國際紅十字會(International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies)不錯。他們的行動計劃裏,不僅有短期的搶險賑災,也有長期的幫助支持。而且他們剛剛開始一個為期十二個月的籌款行動,目標是兩千萬某外幣,大約一千九百萬美元或一千兩百萬歐元。
所以我們最後就捐到了國際紅十字會的網站。下麵是自動回複,“衝浪潛水員”是我給換的:) 這回複看著就象小學時候的獎狀,是一種鼓勵,所以拿來掛在這“網上的家”的牆上。現在我們的財力有限,希望以後可以給的更多吧。
Dear 衝浪潛水員,
Please accept our heartfelt appreciation for your contribution in support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
The International Federation and its 181 member National Societies are committed to assisting the world's most vulnerable people through programmes in disaster response, disaster preparedness and health and community care activities. We depend on people like you to be able to provide effective and sustainable aid, and your donation will help us to truly make a difference in the lives of our beneficiaries.
On behalf of our 97 million Red Cross and Red Crescent members and volunteers around the world who are joined together through the shared value system of the power of humanity, welcome to the International Federation's family of friends and supporters.
Again, thank you for your kindness and generosity.
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies