(2009-05-26 15:35:58)
哥哥:What are you looking at?
弟弟:a dogie... woof woof
哥哥:Where is it?
弟弟:I dont know
“I like to go to Brent's house."
" Hey, stop it. I dont like it."
"E, could you push me please?"
弟弟搬著腳指頭數數兒:1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ,。。。
哥哥去鋼琴老師那兒,老師說:this is for your 5th finger
哥哥:not my 6th?
老師:no, not for your 6th
哥哥:right, otherwise, i will be like my baby brother with 6/7 fingers.
弟弟能幹這牛兒可不是吹出來的,他就是很能。前兩天,他第一次被邀請去參加別的小朋友的三歲生日爬梯。其中有一個遊戲,就是坐成一圈,主持人一個一個的問,你叫什末名字,你要往那個生日蛋糕裏加什末東西?可以自由發揮,好多三歲多的小孩還要爸爸媽媽代為回答,我們家弟弟流著口水自己坐在那兒,說:I'm E. I want French Fries in the cake.
哥哥多少還是有點音樂天分的。上帝在他那裏補全了我得不足。他給了他一個好的耳朵。他前兩天做一個靠聽力的music game, 次次都是滿分。他做了一大半,連續都對之後,說:this is so boring, do i need to finish?