Ice cream and Books

mint ice cream and picture books - my favorites

Early Childhood Music program 2005-9-30

(2009-05-03 02:29:08) 下一個
我也是個音盲媽媽,小時候是五音不全的那種,小學時老師讓我上台表演,但讓我對口型不出聲,因為我學習好,班幹部,衣服整齊漂亮。這可能是小地方中國才有的事情吧。音盲困擾了我的一生。My husband is not as bad as I’m but definitely not a great singer.

I recommend Early Childhood music program. There are all kinds of them nationwide, such as music-together, kinder music, etc. They are for kids from 6month to 6 year old.

I took him there since 6 months. Basically he sits there observe what parents are doing, later he runs around the room with other toddlers, or tastes the instruments, etc . However, he now grows to be a ‘big’ boy who loves music, and very well-tuned. He learns new songs very fast and naturally, sings bird song to birds, dog song to dogs, and changes the lyrics sometimes. He holds circle time and show time at home. Of course, dad and mom always show great interests and applaud very hard. Amazing!
I think he will be better than daddy and mommy in music for sure. So, it is

笨鳥先飛。Or my fair GOD make it up in my kid.

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