
駐顏粉 10 Years Younger Wrinkle-Free & Skin-Shining Powder ---wrink

(2008-01-22 19:58:54) 下一個



人老先老其麵﹐麵部微細血脈 ( 微循環 ) 逐漸幹枯癟滯不通﹐體內之精華無由榮於麵上﹐麵因諸多微小血脈滯阻﹐與體內隔絕﹐得不到體內精華濡養而出現黯淡無華﹐斑痕皺紋之所以多也。




[ 使用方法及注意事項 ]

1 。取適量“駐顏粉” ( 夠一次使用即可 ) 輿蜂蜜或蛋白相混合﹐稀稠相宜﹐不宜太稀或太 稠。

2 。將臉洗淨或深層清潔後﹐將調合好的“駐顏粉”均勻的塗於臉上﹐保持 1 個小時至二個小時後﹐用清水洗淨。

3 。每晚用一次﹐剛開始使用時﹐可以連續使用三天至五天﹐以後每週保持一至二次即可。

4 。使用“駐顏粉”後﹐臉部會有微微發漲及輕微發紅的感覺﹐均屬正常現象﹐第二天清晨會自然消失。

[ 功效 ]


(ForeStar Int'l Inc.) 谘詢電話 :832-858-8666

5905 Sovereign Dr. Suite 101 , Houston, TX 77036, USA ( 中國人活動中心 101 室 )

10 Years Younger Wrinkle-Free & Skin-Shining Powder

Mechanism of Action: Flowers blossom only for few days, then wither and fall. The tender and smooth skin during the younger years will not stay forever either. When you were younger, skin is tender, smooth, shining and wrinkle-free. Time passes in a flash of light. You are no longer in your 20’s anymore. Skin is no longer that smooth, bright and shining. Deep or fine wrinkles have climbed and showed up on the face. Wrinkles piling up around the eye and forehead; pimples and dark spots showing up on the face; shining and brightness on the face are no longer there. Time has showed its age on your face.

Age showing up on your face before you realize you have aged. The micro-blood vessels on the face gradually dried up, no longer connected to the major thick blood vessels underneath your face. The vitality of the body no longer showed up on the face, all because of the nutrition from the body could not reach the micro blood vessels on your face. Therefore, darkness instead of brightness, wrinkles instead of smooth skin all showed up on your face. Skin without sufficient nutrition from your own body can’t sustain its natural younger look and smoothness.

All women love to look gorgeous and have younger and wrinkle-free skin. That’s why there’re so many kind of cosmetic products on the market today. They can fill up the wrinkles artificially, but can’t remove the wrinkles physically and naturally. They are all lack of natural looks of beautiful skin. They can’t make your skin shining with the vigor you have 10 years ago.

To keep a natural look of beautiful skin does not mean you let face senile without doing anything about it, but act on it and recover the younger look. To recover and restore your younger look is the task of “ 10 Years Younger ” Wrinkle-Free & Skin-Shining Powder

This special powder blend uses herbs with acrid flavor and warm property to open up the micro blood vessels on the face skin filling up with blood from the major blood stream from the body. Why people have wrinkles when they get old? The micro blood vessels on the face are like the creeks or small rivers while the major blood stream from the body as big river. Wrinkles grow on the face means the small rivers are drying up, without sufficient water, the small rivers will be dry and lose moisture, and off course small rivers water levels will be lower than ever. To make the wrinkles go away, we have to connect the small rivers with the big river, fill the small rivers with plenty of water. When that happens, the micro blood vessels on your face will be fully filled up, your face skin to get all the necessary nutrition it needs. Your skin will be as smooth as you were 10 years ago; all wrinkles on the face will disappear; skin will be bright and shining with vigor. This is the main difference between “ 10 Years Younger ” powder and other cosmetic products on the market place. Use this powder made cream regularly, wrinkles on your face would be kept away; you would be always 10 years younger because the vitality of your youth would be reflected on your face all the time.

Directions and precautions:

  1. Use 1/2 tea-spoon of this wrinkle-free & skin shinning powder (the powder) for only one time use, mix it with cool honey or mix it with water and protein to formulate a paste, dilute with more water to make the paste thin enough for easy application on the face.

  1. Clean or deep clean your face, then apply the paste evenly on your face like a mask, keep the paste on your face for 1 to 2 hours, then clean it off with water.

  1. Apply the paste every night. When you use this mixed paste the 1st time, apply the paste every night for 3 to 5 days, and then apply the paste 1 to 2 nights a week.

  1. After applying the paste on your face, it’s absolutely normal and expected if your face has a feeling of swelling and slightly burning sensation and your face becomes a little red. That means the paste is working on the face to promote micro-blood circulation and smooth out the wrinkles. The burning sensation will be gone next morning.


Remove deep and fine wrinkles, smoothing skin, brighten and whiten up your skin, discolor pimple pigment, eliminate acnes. Your skin becomes very smooth, tender, brightened, whitened, and almost wrinkle-free in less than two weeks. Your skin will be glowing with healthy, younger, and radiating vigor. This powder made paste would make your skin on your face looking 10 years younger . wrinkle-free & skin-shinning powder. Regular use of this product would keep you away from wrinkles.


10 gram/bag (in herbal powder blend) (This is a Do-It-Yourself economic and super effective package, mix it with cool honey or mix it with water and protein to formulate a paste ),

Exclusively Distributed by:

ForeStar International Inc.

5905 Sovereign Dr. Suite 101 , Houston, TX 77036

Hotline: 832-858-8666

Email: ForeStarUSA@yahoo.com 

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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