山搖,搖落了滿樹的姹紫嫣紅, The mountains swayed, knocking out blossoms from trees 地動,翻騰了五月的綠水青苗, The ground tumbled, flattening the greens in the month of May 轟隆隆的驚雷粉碎了故鄉的朗朗書聲, Rumbling thunders smashed village schools into ruins 明晃晃的閃電掠走了田園的嫋嫋炊煙. Flashing lightening destroyed country homes' daily routines 五一二,霎那間, This very moment, on May 12th , 2008 世外桃源成了修羅場, It used to be a garden of Eden, turning into a morgue for the deaths 五一二,這瞬間, That very moment, on May 12th , 2008 大自然化身為無情閻羅. The Nature turned into ruthless demons
這裏曾經是神禹故裏,千年精絕古城。 There used be the residences of ancient saints Historical township for thousands of years 恨蒼天無情,摧毀了群山環繞的多情故鄉。 Where was the compassion from the heavenly God? Our beloved homes in the mountains are now in ruins 怒大地無義,踏碎了綠水悠悠的溫柔西羌。 Where was the righteousness on this Earth? Our serene Western Se-Chuan has turned into dust 痛神靈無眼,帶走了勃勃生機的 萬千生靈。 Misery, due to the Nature’s careless rages Gone are the prosperity and tens of thousands of lives 悲佛祖無奈,從此地圖上 Saddened, seeing the Buddha’s helplessness From the Map 再沒有了美麗的北川 Disappeared the beautiful Northern Si-Chuan
在大自然的浩劫中, Nature's disasters brought down 汶川方圓百裏, Hundreds square-miles of Wen-Chuan 通訊全無,道路全毀。 No more communication, no roads, nothing left 可是就在沒有路的地方, In the places of no passing 卻被我們的子弟兵, Our soldiers 硬生生地走出了路 。Stepped out a path and went through 對人民的愛鑄成了他們的鋼鐵意誌, Their compassion towards the people strengthened their will 他們不眠不休地趕往人間煉獄, They rushed day and night to where the people were buried 要在修羅場中 At the places of the deaths 用他們的血肉之軀造就生的雲梯。 They built up a bridge with their flash and blood To reach the survivors
他們是生命之花,正待開放的天使們。 Those were budding young lives They were angles like blooming flowers 多少絢麗的夢想,在這瞬間隕落。 How beautiful, their dreams Dashed in such a moment 多少美麗的憧憬, 在這霎那破滅。 How spectacular their expectations Crashed in such a moment 多想能夠拉住你那至死都緊緊握住筆的雙手 We wish we could have pulled you out by your hands These hands holding a pencil upon death 與你一起去看明天的朝陽。 We would have enjoyed a new morning together the next day 呼吸著淡淡的晨霧,再一次唱響青春之歌。 Breathing in the morning’s light mist Singing again the Song of the Youthful
她是一個大愛無邊的母親, She was a loving mom 在與死神的搏鬥中,為了孩子永不懼怕。 Facing death, she fearlessly fought to protect her child 用血肉之軀撐起了生的藍天。 Using her body to shed debris crashing from the sky 用魂魄在生命的琴弦上, Her soul had stroke the life’s strings 彈出了一曲千古絕唱。 That rang the last melody lasting for ever and ever “親愛的寶貝,如果你能活著,一定要記住我愛你。” “My dear child, If you would survive Be sure to remember, I love you”
他們是平凡而偉大的人民教師。 Those were ordinary but extraordinary school teachers 在漫漫黑暗中褪去了往日的平凡, The long darkness painted over their modest nature 從熊熊烈火裏騰飛出永生的鳳凰。 In the fires and flames they became immortal like the Phoenix 生死抉擇的關頭, At the moment of life and death 沒有瞬間猶豫。 Without hesitation in the least 用那被砸成了三段的身體, Their bodies were separated in broken debris 和那雙對學生滿懷愛的雙手, They were arms in arms, with their love of the pupils 挽成了生的殿堂。 They formed a barrier to protect others from falling 用鮮血寫下了四個大字, As if they had written in their blood “我是老師”。 “ We are teachers, we are in charge”
他們是一對不離不棄的雙雙愛侶, They were a couple in love, they were inseparable 與君初相識, 你那青青的衣領啊, When we first met , you were wearing a green shirt 就深深縈繞在我的心間。 In my heart I was deeply attracted to you 滄海桑田與你攜手,不用回頭便知道, We were hand in hand day in and day out We do not have to look back 你是山、是海、是藍天站在我的身後。 There were mountains, the sea, the blue sky, just like you Supporting me from behind 天崩地裂中你弓趴著你的身體, When the sky and the ground broke loose You bended over with your body 最後一次將我護在懷裏。 For the last time you held me in your arms 無垠黑暗裏你把最後一口氣, In the endless darkness, you finally blew your last breath 度進了我的口中。 Into mine 緊緊回擁你,我再一次說; Holding you tight, I shouted again “親愛的,我們生生死死在一起” My dear, together we live, together we die
大地開始怒吼, The ground was roaring 江河開始咆哮, The rivers were rumbling 高天開始顫動, The sky was shaking 可是用父母之愛, The love of the parents 用兒女之愛, The love of the family 用師生之愛, The love between the teachers and pupils 用手足之愛, The love in its closest 用人世間的愛 The love of the mankind 武裝起來的人們毫無懼怕, People with such loves are fearless 我們要把親人救出來, We must rescue our own folks 我們要用綿綿不絕的愛鑄就, We want to raise our long lasting love 生的雲梯, To build a bridge to reach out for the lives
悠悠五千年, Long lasting for 5000 years 滄海橫流磨練著, Time and history have tested 不懈搏擊的中華民族。 The brave Chinese Nation 這個飽經風霜的民族, It is a nation with her ups and downs 這個自強不息的民族, It is a nation who knows how to nurture herself 這個永不言敗的民族, It is a nation that never gives up 這個不屈不撓的民族, It is a nation of unswerving characters 又一次擦幹眼淚,挺起胸膛, Once more wipe clean tears, Head’s up 詠唱著生命的讚歌站起來。 Singing the Life’s Hymn, Get up to your feet again
蒼天無情,我們情比海深 Wait for no pity from the heavenly God Our caring for each other is as deep as the sea 大地無義,我們義薄雲天 Do not count on the righteousness of this Earth We hold on our own as high as the scaling sky 神靈無眼,我們風雨同舟 Don't mind the Nature’s careless rages We hold together through thick and thin 佛祖無奈,我們眾誌成城 Don't mind the Buddha’s helplessness We are united in one 手挽手, Hand in hand 肩並肩, Shoulder by shoulder 心連心, Care for each other 愛疊愛, Love each other 去托起又一輪噴薄朝陽, Start anew in the morning sun 去放飛又一個廣闊夢想, Start a new dream in its broadest sense 去創造又一次輝煌奇跡, To create splendid wonders once again 去迎接又一路芬芳五月。 look forward to the next blossoms of May 用我們生生不息的愛, With our eternal love 去迎接又一路芬芳五月。 Look forward to the next blossoms of May