
人生在世,以誠相待足矣。 我對人生充滿希望,但隨遇而安
綠珊瑚 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

“李南央狀告海關案”跟進報道(一百零六) ——夢醒美國

(2023-06-09 14:43:15) 下一個

Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

——Mark Twain







前不久,奧巴馬在 CBS 早間節目接受采訪時說:

我夜不能寐,原因是現在媒體分裂,發出不同的聲音,導致社會群體認知分裂。我當總統那 會兒,隻有三家電視台,人們對什麽是真的,什麽是假的;實際發生的是怎麽回事,不是怎麽回事的看法非常接近。而現在,人們好像生活在不同的現實中。

顯然,奧巴馬認為隻有一個聲音的社會才是正常的,現在的主流媒體雖然同氣相求,但 是還有個別不識相的媒體在那裏自說自話,這種現象是萬萬不能接受的。他敢於公然如此地 說,是因為坐在他對麵的那位 CBS 主播點頭連連,CBS 的受眾也會認同他的高見。奧巴馬的 溫水煮青蛙,已然讓社會主義好甘飴浸透了美國社會。

父親的《李銳口述往事》是在 2013  10  29 日被北京機場海關扣下來的。我訴海關的案子翌年 6 月被北京第三中級法院正式受理,時至今日仍在延審之中。李銳致死都是中共黨員,黨還在他的遺體上蓋了那麵染滿人血的黨旗。可是為什麽自己人”——李銳,他的一本追憶跟隨黨的一生的口述卻被認定為違禁書,而不是一本紅書呢?道理很簡單,李銳記述的黨內經曆,他接觸過的毛澤東、高崗、陳雲、胡耀邦、趙紫陽、江澤民、李鵬、習近平......的形象,跟 黨的筆杆子描述的太不一致。李銳的話會引起老百姓認知的歧義,導致社會的分裂,那還得了不許入境是絕對的,必需的!

所以我說奧巴馬的言論同中國共產黨的道理同出一轍。他非常期盼自己能像他所喜愛的毛澤 東一樣被尊崇為偉人,他非常期盼民主黨能像中國共產黨那樣永遠地掌握政權。因此,控製住話語權自然是重中之重,民主黨的大佬怎麽說,媒體就應該怎麽說;民主黨的大佬對某一件事怎麽 看,老百姓就必須怎麽看。可是美國人民還會有自由嗎?

Oath Keepers 的創始人 Stewart Rhodes 本月以煽動陰謀罪判刑 18 年,法官宣判時斥責了他的犯罪動機:“不喜歡新上來的那個家夥(:新總統拜登)當年劉曉波被中共定下的罪 行之一是對政府不滿,獲判刑期 11 年。罪名類同,Stewart 比曉波判得重。如此下去,被判 “煽顛罪的恐怕不會是數百或上千人了,或許我這個沒有坐過共產黨大牢的人,也會在某一天 嚐到美國監獄的滋味。



Follow-up report on "Li Nanyang sued the Customs" (106)

——Wake up America

Asked what keeps him awake at night in an interview with CBS News this week, the former president said “the degree to which we now have a divided conversation, in part because we have a divided media, a splintered media.” He noted, “When I was coming up, you had three TV stations ... and people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not.” Now, “we almost occupy different realities.”

Obviously, Obama believes that a society should have “one voice only”, it is a normal one. Now, even though mainstream media are just copying what Democrats voicing, fewer ignorant media are still talking about what they believe, which absolutely is unacceptable. Obama dared to say so, because that the CBS anchor facing him was nodding vigorously and of course the CBS audiences would admire his “brilliant” opinion as well. Obama has been boiling the frog in mild water for so long, “socialism is good” sirup has soaked in the body of American society.

My father’s Li Rui Oral History was confiscated by the customs of Beijing airport on Oct. 29, 2013. The Third Intermedia Court, Beijing accepted my lawsuit against the customs in June next year. The lawsuit has been continuing forever. Li Rui was a member of the CCP till his death, the party covered his remains with party’s flag that is soaked in human blood. But why party man Li Rui’s memoir which recalled his whole life following the CCP, be defined as a banned book rather than a Red Book? It is quite simple, because under Li Rui’s pen, what is true is not true by party’s pen. Those party leaders, Mao Zedong, Gao Gang, Chen Yun, Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng and Xi Jiping ... whose images Li Rui drafted, do not match what party has painted. Li Rui’s writing will divide conversation and cost a splintered society; the consequence would be horrible. Li Rui’s book must be banned and forbidden to enter the border of P. R. China.

So, I say, what Obama said to CBS is the same thought of the CCP. Obama wishes he would be respected as Mao Zedong whom he is so fond of. He hopes the Democrat holds the power as the CCP does perpetually. For the sake of that, he believes that controlling the right to speak is number one among those important issues. What is true bigwig of the democratic party say, all the media must echo; what is real bigwig of democratic party say, Americans must agree. But is there freedom for Americans?

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes was sentenced 18 years after “Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy conviction”. U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta addressed Rhodes directly: “what was the motive? You didn’t like the new guy," noting that "just because someone supported the former president doesn’t mean they’re a White nationalist." What Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo was convicted? “He was dissatisfied with the government.” He was sentenced to 11 years. The similar charge, but Stewart was treated worse than Xiaobo. Should it go on like this, there will be not only hundreds or thousands of people convicted as “incitement”, the people like me who never tasted life in CCP’s prison, someday might learn about life in an American cell.

Wake up Americans as it is not too late now! As the pendulum swings to its extreme end as it is in China, to make it swing back, the price might be millions of lives.


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水星98 回複 悄悄話 悲哀!
歲月沈香 回複 悄悄話 馬克·吐溫這句話千真萬確:“愛國主義的內涵是任何時候都要支持你的國家,至於你的政府,隻有當它值得時你再支持。”,珊瑚姐說得對,現在民主黨越來越像共產黨了。珊瑚姐周末愉快!