
Some random thoughts

(2006-08-17 13:24:32) 下一個
It's okay to be blogless

In every issue of the Glamour magazine, there is a 100% guilt free page that says: "Hey, it's ok...to do___ (you fill in the blank)." It's supposed to make women feel good and, uh, normal, about themselves. For example, if you cry without knowing why, if you get in a book club just for the wine, or if parallel parking remains a challenge, Glamour tells you it's okay.

Last month on the 100% guilt free page, it says: It's okay to not have a blog; you are still a valid human being. And I thought: since when did people have to doubt their validity as human beings because they don't have a blog? Then I thought I can probably equate that sentence to another equally appeasing one: It's okay to be braless--not at work, of course.


那天在網上看見有人說她做夢講英語。我想了想,不確定自己有沒有過dreams in English, 還是我從來做夢裏麵都是中文。於是決定自己留心一下,看看自己的夢到底是哪國語言,說不定我憋了勁也能做個英語夢出來。

通常我睡覺會做夢,而且很多很豐富,但就是剛剛醒來,半夢半醒,意識還比較混沌的時候能清楚地記得夢裏發生了什麽,一起床就全忘光了。不過既然有了這個要留意的心,好像還真起作用了。連著幾天,我一醒來就開始回想,我到底夢見了什麽,主要是回想裏麵我講話,還有別人講話是中文還是英文。好像是有英文的吧?最清楚的是有一天早上醒來,我腦子裏還回旋著夢裏別人給我講的一段話:The reason I'm saying this is not because ... but because ... 一大段一大段的。哈哈,有證據了,俺也做出英文夢了。這個project圓滿成功,然後我就把它放棄了。


還是在上landscape painting 課的時候,老師在下課前按慣例給大家的作品critique.講評到Sherry的作業的時候,他說,Sherry在這堂課上進步很大。的確,我們有目共睹。她的第一幅畫我都不記得畫了什麽,但是第二幅畫就吸引了大家的眼光。構圖非常巧,有張力,而且色彩非常好,可以感到它的freshness and energy. Sherry 說自從老師提醒她,learn to see colors instead of lines, 她就開始感覺到變化。一般人剛從drawing 轉到painting 的時候,時常會有這個問題。Drawing is linear, painting is about masses and colors. 所以老師說,如果你是一個linear person,very good at drawing, 剛開始畫油畫的時候,要有一個perception change. Drawing是由線組成的,painting 是由色彩以及它們的形狀組成的。painting 大忌就是try to use brushes to draw lines instead of painting colors and shapes. Sherry說她自從老師指出這一點後,她就開始能看到風景裏的色彩,而且,she starts to dream about colors.

我還是不太留心過自己夢裏有沒有夢到過色彩,不過這幾天不停的在看有關painting 的書,可以肯定地說,我在夢裏看到很多畫,然後在研究裏麵的顏色,這個是一個什麽什麽藍色。厚厚。

。。最近寫字傾向於中英夾雜,大家就原諒一下我8, 啊!
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