下午剛剛畫完的。還可以再畫,但是模特最後一次pose, 所以就停在這。Oil on panel, 大約 24 X 48。照片有一點反光,泛藍。

這張是下午剛開始畫的狀態。在今天以前已經畫了兩個下午。這一張她的臉似乎更有character, 是用burnt sienna 畫的underpainting. It's a shame that some of the initial freshness, spontaneity,and subtlety are covered up...but I have to build up her face. And there is the time constraint. "a dissatisfaction in everything you do"...
我是門外漢, 在這裏瞎攙和而已, 希望不要介意.
我隻會用鼠標在windows - pain 裏做畫 :)