A modern fable: The Death of Coogle Coogle is about to die any minute now.
Her full name is Google.cn.The poor girls is doomed to a ill-fated life -- because of her conflicting genes.
Her dad, Google, was a bold, ambitious giant from the west. He wants "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful", and holds "don't do evil" as mantra. Of course, for such an idealistic mission, he's been a laughing stock to many of his peers. Come on, we all live a ghetto. If somebody ostensibly looks up into the starry sky, he must be either a hypercritic or a lunatic. Or both? But no matter what others say, Google's genuity still wins him the biggest fanfare across the world.
On the other side of globe, there lies a beauty, called Censorship. She is spoiled, wayward but filthy rich. People like to say all glittering is not gold. However, this seemingly wisdom doesn't apply to her. In her dark chamber, gold shines with tempting allure... Like most beauty, Censorship doesn't like any criticism. Lately, one individual crossed her, and she threw him into cellar. Seems like that poor fellow is going to stay there for 11 years.
Through years, Google manages to resist the spell from Censorship, for he knows their value systems conflict. But we all know what magic gold has, don't we? Eventually Google married Censorship grudgingly (or not?). On their wedding, a curse was spelt by some elders from the west. They were disappointed by the marriage. How can a beloved Google condescend himself to Censorship? They curse any offsprings of this marital union.
Google.cn is the first daughter of Google and Censorship. She goes by Coogle, which tells her blood line from these two celebrities. Like most couples, Google and Censorship bicker, conpromise and try to live on. Coogle is dad's daugther, but Censorship doesn't get along well with her. Unfortunately, the beautiful girl inherits a free spirit from her Dad. She enjoys telling truth bluntly or, if necessary, indirectly. In her mom's eyes, She's "too young, too simple and sometimes naive". Censorship likes to quiz her kids: who's the most beautiful woman in the world? Her favorite son,Baidu, will always say the beloved mother is the most beautiful one -- the perfect woman, pricisely. Coogle will be reluctant to echo that. She knows her mom's defects. She wants her mom to face those opinions, and probably improve. But such insight is not well-received in Censorship's territory. Who the hell are you to tell your mom what to do? You think you outsmart everyone else? Why don't you behave like your step-brother Baidu? He knows all the truth, but he hides them! Coogle gets yelled by her mom from time to time. Her father gets upset to see the baby suffer, but he cannot stay there to protect her -- he has other kid to attend.
Like all the old stories go, the moment of showdown comes finally. The bitterness brewed between the couple burst out. One morning, Google wakes up, and dicides he cannot stand it anymore. Those dreams of his younger age revisit him. Oh, youth, so innocent, bold and romantic! Google's eyes wet a little... He confronts his rich wife, and says she has to treat the daughter better; Otherwise, he wants a divorce, and disown the child. Censorship fires back in her well-known icy voice: fine, as if I care. And now Google is being cornered. To be, or not to be: that is a question. He knows clearly that without his support, the fragile Coogle will die soon...
The news strikes people with surprise. Some of them pour to her residence, and present flowers to Coogle ("illegally"). Of course, many others don't care. We still have the well-behaved Baidu, don't we? Who cares about truth? We live with lies for thousands of years, and we still prosper!
To prepare for the possible death of Coogle, I, one of the immatured idealists, write a short epitaph for the poor baby:
Go le, go le...
In case you don't know how decipher it, it reads:
夠了,走了...In memory of Coogle, one of the few innocent, bright faces we can see in Censorship's dark room.
夠了,走了...!! Great transliteration!!