

(2009-02-26 14:21:40) 下一個

Though I haven’t frequented Shanghai style barber shops for decades, I am still very nostalgic about it.

First, there is the three-color swirling electrical lantern hanging outside these barber shops while hair salon doesn’t have, does any poster know what it stands for?

Right after you are greeted warmly into the air-conditioned barber shop with Shanghaiese-accented Cantonese, you are showed with a box of four different brands of cigarettes while you are waiting on the seat. Though I didn’t smoke, I appreciated their courtesy.

The features I am really nostalgic:

(1) Ear pick (now banned for hygienic reason):

The barber carefully picks all ear wax which is really refreshing;

(2) Shaving (now I dare not try owing to AIDS):

He shaves every part of your face including the hair on the eyelids and ears;

(3) Trimming nostril hair (now I dare not try owing to SARS):

After the haircutting is over, the barber used a slim pointed scissor to trim your nostril hair.

(4) Massage: The best part is after the haircut, the barber will massage both sides of your shoulder which makes you feel completely relieved;

(5) Hot towel: Hot towels with Dittol smell are served after haircutting and hair blowing.

Of course, there are some parts I hate. The hairblowing guy always put Brylcreem (the only place where you can find dudes still using Brylcreem) without asking you first and blows everyone’s hair like that of Hu Jintao!

But anyhow, the one hour service is still just a fraction of what it costs you in the fancy hair salon!

讀到 那個給他吹風的家夥往他頭上塗凡士林,把他頭發弄成胡錦濤發型 的地方,偶真是笑翻了。這人可太逗了!

不知道現在國內還有沒有 管掏耳朵的老式剃頭師傅。除了老媽,偶從來沒讓別人給掏過耳朵。出國這些年,偶自己掏耳朵引起中耳炎好幾次了。最近睡覺翻身的時候老是聽見鬆動的耳屎掉下來的聲音,自己不大敢挖,又信不過老公,怕給他笨手笨腳地挖聾了。讀了此文,好想讓個手藝好的老式剃頭師傅給我掏掏耳朵啊,清清裏麵的陳年老垢。

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