
維哥: 延長性福的藥丸

(2007-12-30 04:43:40) 下一個
在伍迪.艾倫電影 "Play It Again, Sam" 裏,艾倫采取幻想自己是棒球明星的方法,延長在床上享受性福的時間。其實現實中,性專家們更推崇一種機械的方式來治療早泄:"停止,開始,擠壓(“stop, start, squeeze” )."





新藥研製者Johnson & Johnson通過另一些自願者研究發現,正常的性交從進入到高潮(between penetration and climax),卡著跑表測量出來是7.3分鍾。

患有抑鬱症的男人,有的需要服用血液複合胺抑製劑(SSRIs)。他們有些抱怨說這種藥物抑製了他們的性感覺,拖延了性高潮的到來。但對這些人是副作用的,對其他人可能就是福音。所以Johnson & Johnson 開始研究SSRI的藥理來專門延緩性高潮。

今天,The Lancet發表了在美國121個研究中心所做的試驗結果。試驗參加者隨機抽取一份試劑:可能是安慰劑,也可能是是不同劑量的新藥試劑(Dapoxetine)。在性醫學試驗中, 安慰劑通常也是有效果的(能延長性交時間從1分鍾到1.75分鍾)。但新藥試劑表現更好顯然有明顯效果:30mg能延長性交時間從1分鍾到2.78分鍾,  60mg延長時間從1分鍾到3.32分鍾。這個效果是顯著的,而且隻有一些參加者有副作用反應:惡心,腹泄,頭疼和眩暈。

由Minnesota大學教授Jon Pryor領頭的研究組認為新藥試劑對"中到重症早泄病人有治療效果,並且副作用在接受範圍內。"




這種新藥由Alza Corp(Johnson & Johnson 的子公司)研製,它所具有的治療早泄奇效,可能為這家公司帶來滾滾財源。如果這樣的話,再體貼的女伴也沒有機會繼續取悅因早泄而垂頭喪氣的男人了, 她們假裝說


Pill that prolongs the joy of sex


IN THE Woody Allen film Play It Again, Sam, the technique used was to think of the names of famous baseball stars, whereas some sexologists recommend the more mechanical "stop, start, squeeze" method.

Now scientists may have come up with the first pharmaceutical means of tackling premature ejaculation using a class of drug usually associated with treating depression.

In trials involving 2,600 men, researchers in the US have shown that a new drug could prolong sexual intercourse by more than three times the duration previously experienced.

If approved after more tests, the drug will be the first designed to tackle the problem, which is experienced by 20-30 per cent of men.

Participants in the trial typically concluded intercourse in less than a minute. Speed may be desirable in a racing pigeon or a sports car, but in sex the laurels tend to be won by the slow.

A "normal" time between penetration and climax, the drug manufacturers Johnson & Johnson discovered, with the aid of obliging couples and a stopwatch, is 7.3 minutes.

Men on anti-depressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ( SSRIs, the class to which Prozac and Seroxat belong ) typically complain of dulled sexual sensation and delayed orgasm. But what is a curse for them may be a benefit for others, so Johnson & Johnson set out to develop an SSRI specifically for delaying orgasms.

Today The Lancet publishes the results of trials carried out at 121 centres in the United States. Men were randomly given either placebos or different doses of dapoxetine. As is typical in sexual studies, the placebo proved pretty effective, prolonging intercourse from less than one minute to 1.75 minutes. But the drug did better. A 30mg dose produced 2.78 minutes and
a 60mg dose 3.32 minutes. While hardly Don Juan standard, this was a significent result, marred only by some side-effects. Nausea, diarrhoea, headache and dizziness were reported.

Nevertheless, the team, led by Professor Jon Pryor, of the University of Minnesota, concluded that dapoxetine was "an effective and generally well- tolerated treatment for men with moderate-to-severe premature ejaculation".

During the trial, which lasted twelve weeks, couples were asked to attempt intercourse six times or more per month. The tablets were to be taken between one and three hours before starting intercourse, and the time to ejaculation and any side-effects were to be noted in a logbook.

"Dapoxetine also improved patientsó perception of control over ejaculation, satisfaction with sexual intercourse and overall impression of change in condition," the team noted. "Partners benefited through improved satisfaction with sexual intercourse."

Dapoxetine, although an SSRI, is not designed to ease depression, though that may be a useful side-effect in some cases. It takes only an hour to achieve maximum concentration in the blood and is virtually eliminated from the body within 24 hours.

Dapoxetine is made by Alza Corp, of Mountain View, California, a wholly owned subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson. Given the prevalence of premature ejaculation, it could become a money-spinner. If so, it will eliminate an opportunity for perfect sexual manners of the kind exhibited by caring women. "It's not that you're too fast, but that I'm too slow," may be a lie, but
it has consoled many a despairing man.


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