
繁華的城市,熱鬧的街市,我們在這裏度過生活的歲月。似乎是一個轉身, 光陰就成了故事。一次回眸,歲月便成了風景。
異鄉儷人 (熱門博主)
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July 27, 2011

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July 27, 2011
The Story of Wolf Mountain

By Michelle Shen

There was once a mean and jealous wolf that took pride in his five beautiful mountains. He only allowed people to go hiking on them for a very expensive fee. The gods wanted to punish the big bad wolf, so they sent an all powerful god disguised as a monk to go to the mountain. He went there and asked if he could sit. He said he only wanted room to sit and put his jacket. The wolf consented and the monk made his jacket grow until it covered all five mountains and the wolf had to leave.

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