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usagi 回複 悄悄話 回複蔡真妮的評論:

:-) so you guys have been having some fun visitors :-P anyway i like the mormos because They dont drink, smoke nor drink coffee, because it's their 'words of wisdom' and i like to be around people who are Jie Shen Zi Hao :-P
蔡真妮 回複 悄悄話 usagi:謝謝你的補充。你說的對,就在昨天我老公在外麵遇到兩個打扮非常得體的年輕女子向他傳教,是摩門教徒,從猶他州來的。
usagi 回複 悄悄話 To Tender

you say you are a , 無神論者, then who is 灶王爺 ?:-P
usagi 回複 悄悄話 真妮
i love reading your stories, i've lived in Utah for a few years, so i know a little about the mormon church.

the reason why they USED to have Polygamy is because during the beginning of their mirgation from NY to Utah, a lot of their men died because the government and mobs at the time send military chase after them and killing them alone the way. a lot of women and children were left without providers, that's why it was temporarily allowed at that time. but no longer. and the people now who claim they are mormon and practice polygamy are not really mormons :-P

however, this thing about mormon missionaries, what you dont realize is that they are only 19 years old, and going on a mission is not like 服兵役, it is entirly voluntary. there are also girl missionaries, you just haven't seen them yet. :-P. guy missionaries are not allowed to preach to single women unless there are other people represent. same thing apply to girl missionaries they can't go apreach to single men either.
and they only pair them up with girl-girl or boy-boy not mismatch.

that's about what i know :-P

also the mormons do not have a different Bible. they do have the same Bible, which all the other different religions use i believe, they also have another book called the Book of Mormon, just another record of God.
Tender 回複 悄悄話 回複蔡真妮的評論:

海外中國匹夫 回複 悄悄話 回複蔡真妮的評論:
對, 給他點壓力.
蔡真妮 回複 悄悄話 從大家的留言中學到好多,原來兩個青少年傳教是摩門教的常規,原來他們的聖經還有魔力。
Tender 回複 悄悄話 I knew it's Morman just by reading your title.
I'd like to share my experience, which my wife is still laughing at me with.
Everything I experienced is the same as you, except I didn't turn them back right away, took their bible and let them come back another time (I swear that I didn't know they encourage one husband and more wives by the time).
The next day my stove started working weird, sometimes stopped working for no reason, just some error signs showing on the panel. I pulled it out and checked everything, it seemed fine. Turned it off for more than half an hour, thurned back on again, and it worked.
One day later, the stove stopped working again. This time I thought is it something wrong with thse two guys? I threw out their bible, and made a trip to the Chinese temple. Came home, everything was fine again. Of course I did some research on the Morman and turn them back for good when they came again.
I don't have any religious believe. I only believe you get what you give. But this time it makes me wonder.
蔡真妮 回複 悄悄話 匹夫同誌:
海外中國匹夫 回複 悄悄話 你的文章讓人讀起來覺得你很NICE, 也很有趣.
你老公好有本事, 也有福氣.
butdie 回複 悄悄話 真有趣,下回有派美女來傳教的我就上當一回
蔡真妮 回複 悄悄話 你這是在誇俺吧?已經好幾個世紀沒有人說俺可愛了,激動Ing。
貼心寶貝 回複 悄悄話 不清楚摩門教,但,你好可愛。。。。哈哈。。。
acme 回複 悄悄話 Morman always sent handsome young guys to visit families to do missionary work.
無去來處 回複 悄悄話 一開頭說倆小孩特帥,我就知道是摩門了。這好像是他們的慣例。

Funny6518 回複 悄悄話 聰明認真的是體現在各個方麵!