(2008-05-09 14:57:30)
當前有種說法, CNN--JACK Cafferty 的描繪國人"goons and thugs"的說詞非罵人的意思. 我想咬文嚼字, 再次犯呆於此, 大家好兄弟笑笑.
1> Goon is a slang term referring to thugs hired by bosses or other authorities. It almost exclusively refers to criminal people.
請注意這個詞意思. 暴徒.
2> Thugs -- Thuggee (or tuggee, ठग्गी) (from Hindi thag ‘thief’, from Sanskrit sthaga ‘scoundrel’, from sthagati ‘to conceal’) was an Indian network of secret fraternities engaged in murdering and robbing travellers, operating from the 17th century (possibly as early as 13th century) to the 19th century. This is the origin of the term "thug", as many Indian words passed into common English during British Imperial rule of India.
請注意這個詞, 謀殺.
3> 看文章看全部...
CNN--JACK Cafferty 對話實錄(英文):
——Mentioned said that (the argument) some of the pro-China elements is making, Jack, is that this is a very different China today than existed 10 years ago, certainly 20 or 30 years ago. This communist regime today is almost like a capitalist regime. They are a huge economic super power that we have a lot at stake in maintaining this economic relationship with China.
Jack:Well, I don’t know if China is any different, but our relationship with China is certainly different. We're in hock to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one
thing. They're holding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our paper. We are also running hundreds of billions of dollars' worth of trade deficits with them, as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisonous food; and
export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Walmart. So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed.
I think they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years.
——All right, Jack, stand by. I want everybody to standby, we have a lot to talk about, including a battle of what’s some….
前麵所說的是論據你能接受嗎?(那些玩具, 國債, 赤字, 工資) 然後我問, 後麵的結論, "I think they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years.", 你能接受嗎? 再問假設此論據成立, 此結論成立嗎?
我們一直說, 不能斷章取義, 但如此"言辭達意"的言語, 不僅僅從"根"看, 以詞看詞, 還是從整體看, 是言簡意賅的表達了話語人明確觀點的. "I think they’re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they’ve been for the last 50 years."
4> 我們常說, 設身處地, 以己度人, 換位思考. 問一, 被罵如此, 依然作舍道邊?? 問二, 如國人如此說, 聽者, 被指者能否依然做張做勢, 得出這不是罵人的結論?
最後想引, “然則聖人何以不可欺也?曰:聖人以己度人者也,以心度心,以情度情,以類度類,古今一也。”
以己度人, 被現今的人們用壞了, 有貶意亂猜人心. 我想歸還其原貌, 到是適合現在的事情的, 也更加有一種不卑不亢的正氣所在.
但看了一些人關於"goons and thugs"非罵人話的說法, 和很多朋友可能會被迷惑在這種說法裏, 或被罵人者事後解釋而迷惑不解. 所以我嘮叨如此, 請見諒了.
Cafferty was making the comment toward the GCD government, not the Chinese people. Certainly not every Chinese is a GCD party member. Additionally, CNN also called Bush a moron. American's didn't take the streets to demand the CNN to apologize.