
Medical Terminology

(2007-08-01 06:40:39) 下一個

Origin of medical terminology: Many medical terms are derived from Greek or Latin.

Medical terms are made up of three main branches: Prefixes, suffixes and root of words.

Prefix: comes before the main part of the word.  By recognising the meaning of the prefix, one can identify the meaning of the word.
  Example: Post means after
 Post/natal: after birth

Suffixes: come at the end of the word to form a new word usually, in medical terminology to indicate word definition. 
Example: itis: inflammation of
Appendi/citis: inflammation of the appendix

Root of the word: is the basic component of the word
Example: pulmon: lung

Combining vowels: Often it is difficult to pronounce combination of roots of the word particularly when the root ends in a consonant and the other root starts with a consonant.  For this reason, it is necessary to insert a
combining vowel.

gastr/o/scopy: stomach/o/Looking into
Lapar/o/scopy: looking into the abdomen

Pronunciation: It may be easier to break the word down into syllables and say them a few times to practise the best pronunciation particularly when the word is made up of a few components.
Oseteo/arthr/o/pathy: disease of the bones and joints

Abbreviations: They are definitions for the abbreviated words.
Example: ICU: Intensive Care Unit

Operative terminology: The terms which refer to operations and medical procedures.

Colostomy: opening of the colon

Diagnostic terminology: It is terminology that refers to the diagnostic condition or the current illness

Prostitis: inflammation of the prostate

Symptomatic terminology: The terms that refer to the patients’ signs and symptoms.

Shortness of breath, palpitation.

Acronyms: An acronym is made up of the initial letters of words in a phrase.

HIV: human immunodeficiency
MS: Multiple sclerosis
ENT: ear, nose, and throat specialist

Eponyms: Proper names derived from a person’s name to refer to a particular disease or a medical condition.

Parkinson’s disease.
Down syndrome

Some common Acronyms:
BP: blood pressure
CAT scan: computerised axial tomography
CCU: coronary care unit
 DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid
ECG: electro cardio gram/graph
MSU: mid stream urine
UTI: urinary tract infection

Some Common Prefixes:
a (n): without  anaemia: lack of blood
ab (s): away from  abnormal: not normal
ad: toward   adrenal: near the kidney
anykle: bent, crooked
ambi: both   ambidexterous: ability to use both hands
an: without, absence of
ante: before, forwards  antecubital: before the elbow
anti: against, opposite antiseptic: against infection
auto: self   autoanalysis: self analysis

bi: double, twice  bifocal: two focal
brady: slow   bradycardia: slow heart beat
brachy: short  brachdactylia: short fingers

con: together  
circum: around  circumflex:winding around
carcino: cancer forming carcinogenic: cancer forming
com: with, together
cryo: cold
cyan: blue
contra: against  contraception: prevention of conception
costo: ribs
copr/o: faeces
chrom/o: colour of pigment
cyst: bladder

di (s): two
de: down from   decay: break down
dia: thorogh, complete diaphragm: wall across
demi: half
dis: to undo   disinfection: free from infection
dys: bad, abnormal  dysuria: painful urination
dextro: right
dy: two

ec: outside   ectopic pregnancy: out of place
en/em: in
epi: upon
erythro: red
endo: within
eso: inward
eu: normal, well
ex: outside
extra: in addition, outside, beyond

hapto: bind to
hemi: half
hept: sevn
hetero: different
homo: same as
hyper: high, excessive  hyperglycaemia: high blood sugar
hypo: low, deficient  hypoglycaemia:  low blood sugar

im: not, into, in
in: not, into, in   involuntary: not voluntary
infra: among, between
inter: between
intra: within, inside, during intravenous: inside the veins
intro: into, within   introversion: turning inward
iso: equal, the same

juxta: adjacent to

Kin: movement

Later: side, relating to
Leuko: white   leukocyte: white blood cells
Lepto: thin

Mania: madness
Melan: black
Macro: large
Mal: bad    malfunction: bad function
Micro: small    microbe: small organism
Medi: middle
Mega: large
Megalo: abnormal enlargement
Meta: after, beyond  
Multi: many

Necro: dead
Neo: new    neonatal: newborn
Non: not

Ob: before, against
Octo: eight
Ortho: straight, normal
Oligo: few
Oxy: sharp, quick

Para: beside, to the side
Pachy: thick    Pachyderma: abnormal thick skin
Pan: all
Per: through, excessive
Peri: around    peripheral:
Peri: around
Platy: flat, wide
Polio: grey
Presby: old, elderly
Pro: before
Post: behind, after   postoperative: after surgery
Poly: many, much   polycystic: many cysts
Pre: before, infron
Pseudo: false, fake

Re: again, contrary   
Rub: red
Retro: behind

Schiz: divide, split   Schizophrenia: split personality
Sclero: hard
Supra: upon, over
Semi: half
Sex: six
Sept: seven
Sub: under, below
Super: above, addition, over
Sym: together, joined

Tachy: fast, rapid   tachycardia: fast heart beat
Tetra: four
Thalamo: thalamus (brain)
Therm: heat
Thymo: thymus
Thyro: throid gland
Trans: through, across
Tropho: nutrition
Tri: three
Tympano: eardrum

Ule/ulo: scars
Uni: one
Ultra: beyond, excess  ultrasound: beyond the upper level of human hearing
Urano/uran: palate

Veno: pertaining to a vein venotomy: surgical opening of a vein
Ventriculo: heart or brain ventricle
Ventro: ventral, abdomen
Vesico: urinary bladder

Xantho: yellow colour
Xeno: different, foreign
Xero: dry

Zygo: union, fusion  Zygocyte: union of cells.

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