
力刀 (熱門博主)
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Steps2008/TI9: Re: 特別鳴謝老刀及所有與會的醫生前輩

(2008-07-08 18:50:50) 下一個
Steps2008/TI9: Re: 特別鳴謝老刀及所有與會的醫生前輩

送交者: 力刀 2008月07月08日09:37:17 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

Steps2008/TI9: Re: 特別鳴謝老刀及所有與會的醫生前輩
發信人: Steps2008 (Blueberry), 信區: MedicalCareer
標 題: Re: 特別鳴謝老刀及所有與會的醫生前輩
發信站: BBS 未名空間站 (Sun Jul 6 10:03:13 2008)

From my memory:
Dok is very,very nice, I can see he really care a lot and want to help us.

Path: Get in is relative more difficult right now, most path need to go
fellowship (unless in military system). Dermpath, hemopath and cytology job
maket are good, neuropath is not good.

Family: Good life style. More procedures than IM. Need to know basics of ob,
surgery and IM. Job maket is not bad at all. Need to read journal and speak
up in conference to show yourself.

Psychiatry: english is important, but accent is OK. Really need interest.
Personality is important. Not much physical attack from patient at all.

Need to go now, correct me if I am wrong...


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