
4.The Time Machine(4)

(2005-02-14 18:25:23) 下一個

Chapter 4



       “Mom!” I was being chased by Elizabeet who had a hard toy in her hands. What happened was I was eating candy. Then Elizabeth saw the candy and said, “That’s mine!” I shrugged and ignored her. Now she was angry because I was halfway done with the candy bar and because I ignored her. She asked, “Where did you get that candy?” I answered simply and carelessly. But first I sighed. “Oh, I found it on the table.” That was how Elizabeet got mad at me. Then I heard a loud roar. The next thing I knew was being chased by Elizabeet. She was about to throw the Bop-it (because she couldn’t outrun me) when mom the Rescuer came. “Elizabeth!” said mom’s stern voice. “Put that down now! I’m very disappointed in you.” “But she’s eating my candy!” wailed Elizabeet. Mom then looked at me. “Is that her candy?” “Idoontknow,” was my mumbled answer. Mom then scolded Elizabeth. (I love it when mom scolds someone else!) Since we just had breakfast and I ran, my stomach wasn’t feeling that good.


But then after lunch, my stomach was back to normal. Sally challenged me to play chess with her and I accepted. Surprisingly I won. But when it came to arm wrestles, I lost horribly. In fact it was so horrible that it was sad.

Then I made a bet with Sally. “If I win, you have to be my servant for one whole day. But if you win, I’ll have to be your servant. Okay?” “Okey-dokey, this is going to be a piece of pie. I m-meant to say cake.” We decided to have a water balloon fight. “Whoever gets the wettest loses,” said Sally. “Make sure you don’t catch a cold,” said dad and grandma in unison. “Ready, get set, GO!!” My whole family was watching. Half of them were cheering for Sally and the other half were cheering for me.

After the battle was over, our clothes were both drenched. My family couldn’t decide which one was wetter. So they decided to hang them up somewhere and wait for 1 hour. After 1 hour they would see which one was wetter. Like I said it was a very warm summer and I was glad to get wet. I mean who can catch a cold in the summer? Sometimes my dad and grandma just don’t know how good my health is. Unfortunately, my clothes were wetter. Then my family tried to cheer me up. But I wasn’t sad at all. I said, “Sally, you’re going to be sorry that you won.”  “Right,” was her reply.

My plan was if she told me to brush her hair, I would brush it with 1 stroke. If she told me to tie her shoes, I would only tie knots. Loose knots.

At dinner I was so happy about thinking of my plans that I was gloating. “What are you so happy about?” asked Sally who broke into my thoughts. “Oh, nutin’, nutin’. Really!” After we finished dinner and it was time for bed, my stomach felt queasy. So I whined to grandma. “My stomach feels really weird.” My grandma said, “Oh, you’ll be all right in the morning.” “But grandma, it─” “It’s okay. Now go to sleep. Good night!”

That night, no matter how many positions I slept in, I couldn’t sleep. Finally I fell asleep at 2:24 a.m. When I woke up, it was 7:06. I knew I hadn’t slept much, but I couldn’t go back to sleep. At breakfast I thought everything had to much oil in it. I thought I was going to be sick. And I did. Right into the bowl I was supposed to eat out of. I was staring at the pool of sickness in disgust.


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