
random thoughts by 偶燈斯陋
偶燈斯陋 (熱門博主)
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(2012-06-15 11:00:03) 下一個

電影演員薇諾娜小時候留男式頭,穿了件從救世軍店買來的二手男式夾克,上廁所時被罵同性戀(其實不是),並挨打被圍毆,甚至因此被學校開除。後來她出名之後,有一個當年打她的女子找她要簽名,她問人家:你還記得我嗎?還記得那個七年級時遭你打過的孩子?對方回答:還記得有這麽會事。薇諾娜說,那個挨打的孩子就是我。Go f*ck yourself。

Winona Ryder   

“I was wearing an old Salvation Army shop boy’s suit. As I went to the bathroom I heard people saying, ‘Hey, faggot.’ They slammed my head into a locker. I fell to the ground and they started to kick the shit out of me. I had to have stitches. The school kicked me out, not the bullies. Years later, I went to a coffee shop and I ran into one of the girls who’d kicked me, and she said, ‘Winona, Winona, can I have your autograph?’ And I said, ‘Do you remember me? Remember in seventh grade you beat up that kid?’ And she said, ‘Kind of’. And I said, ‘That was me. Go f*ck yourself.’”
~ Winona Ryder ♥

粉絲們大多給與讚揚,隻有一兩個評論說,不必如此報複。比如這個評論:Brenda Lee Arbeau I'd like to say her story is inspiring, but I don't think it is. So she got famous and told her childhood bully to "Go f*ck" herself. Making amends and learning to forgive the CHILD who hurt you would be much more healing. I'd say, don't learn from Winona's example. 還有這個:Kim Gustafson There is no real satisfaction in humiliating anyone. You cause pain to others out of pain and ignorance. The cycle perpetuates itself until you understand that.

Tammy Richards ‎@ Brenda Lee Arbeau... I agree with what you are saying but reality is...It was the "child" in Winona who was hurt speaking when she said that. When you carry around a hurt like that and you get the chance, the "adult" in you just wants t...o stick up for that kid. Some people who bullied when they were kids grow to be adults and never realize the hurt they put on others. Because this woman barely recalled the incident, tells me that maybe she needed to have some of her "venom" spit back out at her.

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偶燈斯陋 回複 悄悄話 吃飯時同老二聊起此事,她的看法是,既然那個“怖力”可以若無其事地說,哦好像確實是有這麽回事,語氣中根本沒有懺悔沒有歉意,那麽,她被過去遭受她欺負的人大罵一通,活該。讓她記住她過去的那種行為是不光彩的,是應該為之懷有負疚之感的。如果可能,應該讓她自己的孩子牢記,千萬不要當“怖力”,千萬不能欺負別人。
