
random thoughts by 偶燈斯陋
偶燈斯陋 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

Boston Cream Pie

(2010-12-27 23:28:13) 下一個

Boston Cream Pie: A Delicious Mistake

Juli was fundraising for her twin daughters' school, she was selling pies to everyone. Of course, not everyone was buying, but I did. Among the listed pie types, I ordered pecan pie. When she told me it's ready to pick, from the office refrigerator, there was no pecan pie, but many other kind of pies. Actually, they were all Boston Cream Pie (I did not know it's the official Massachusetts State Dessert, as I had never seen or heard it before). I had to take one, and wasn't very pleased, believing there was a mistake...  But that was history: we tasted it and decided it's a delicious mistake, worth makinig. Someone said we could learn from our mistake. I learned mistakes can be good, like this Boston Cream Pie.

Diana Laufenberg: Learn from mistakes

Extra: Another Delicious Mistake

This mistake occurred recently when I visited a new oral surgery office. Well, it's only new for me. So I had to fill out a long list in an info page, front and back, my date of birth included. A sharp looking young man led me to the X-ray room, and a 360 degree (almost) x-ray photo was taken. While I was looking at my "skeleton picture" intensively, a little bit scared by it, my fear was somewhat reduced when I glanced at the patient info by chance: on the line marked "age", they put "33" for me! It was hilarious. The doctor came in and he must be pleased to see that I wasn't nervous or anxious like the usual dental patient would. I cannot pretend to be 20 years younger so I pointed out the error. The doctor tried to cover for his assistant's mistake, saying you certainly don't look like a 53 year old. I said thank you very much for thinking so. But ever since then on every prescription there is my age printed, correctly. I kind of regret correcting that mistake! : D

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