
random thoughts by 偶燈斯陋
偶燈斯陋 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:


(2009-01-27 22:37:20) 下一個




奇怪,為什麽把不明則問(bu ming ze wen) 的帖子給刪掉了?正讀著“不明則問” 在反駁“飛翔的魚”,怎麽一下子全不見了?

這個N. A. 壇子如此刪除異見帖子,顯然帶有傾向性,不是公平公正的做法。

為什麽有這麽些人如此缺乏是非觀念,拚命為凶手找借口開脫,拚命為已經倒下來的被害人找“罪行”?這是什麽心態? 這種現象值得深究。

[而“罪行”總可以找到, 所謂“欲加之罪,何患無辭”!隻要你大嘴一掀,啪啦啪啦啪啦就出來了。至於證據嗎?證據是莫須有的。“隻要我懷疑你有罪,你就有罪”。]

[----回複:朱海洋和楊忻事件的最新資料ZT ---又是一篇無恥的以訛傳訛捕風捉影的文字。軟刀子殺人不見血---反正血已經流完了。看來這誹謗事業還在方興未艾。


I need brainstorm why we have such a phenomenon of quite a sizable number of people who are so eager to and shamelessly defend the murderer (i.e., Zhu Haiyang) but defame and blame the victim (i.e., Yang Xin).

Reason1: They have NO moral standard. "Thou shall not kill" does not apply to them. Killing others is OK with them, as long as the victim is not themselves.

Reason2: They follow Misogynic Tradition. As the victim is a woman, so it must be her fault. Therefore, they dig and spread groundless fabrications and rumors and convince themselves to believe that the victim herself caused all this crime.

Reason3: They somehow identify with the murderer.

Reason4: They just know NO respect for human life.

Reason5: They just plain lack the capacity for either empathy or sympathy and know nothing about human decency.

Reason6: Since the victim is fallen and could not defend herself, they could just do whatever to hurt her and still get away!

Reason7: Try to dig out the truth behind the insanity (網友貢獻),as the Zhu supporters find themselves 同病相憐 with the murderer.

Reason8: Cyber-bullying. Behind the cyber mask, defamation of the victim is free of charge, free of consequences.

Reason9: In order to achieve high clicking rate on their blogs, they defame and destroy the victim with any imaginable rumors. They claim shamelessly to be the "character assassins", saying defense lawyers are doing this kind of character assassination all the time, why can't they do it? (Again, know no moral standards, know no decency.)

Reason10: (---anything else?)

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閱讀 ()評論 (4)
偶燈斯陋 回複 悄悄話 回複不明則問的評論: OK.I'll be there. Thanks!
不明則問 回複 悄悄話 回複偶燈斯陋的評論:

偶燈斯陋 回複 悄悄話 “。。。很。。。悲哀。但真是不知能做些什麽。”--我想,把自己的想法表達出來,即令是再小再微弱的聲音,聚沙成塔集腋成裘,總會有些作用吧。

不明則問 回複 悄悄話 很高興能得到你的支持。對於那些對受害者進行無恥誹謗和攻擊的人,除了反駁之外,我也很替他們悲哀,很替中國的教育悲哀。但真是不知能做些什麽。
