
The Only Way To Catch A Miracle Is To Believe In It

ZT:小學優秀科普讀物 -分科書目

(2008-04-22 12:07:01) 下一個
Biographies & Histories of Scientists, Inventors & Technology Alphabetical by Person

Marrin; Albert, Secrets from the Rocks: Dinosaur Hunting With Roy Chapman Andrews, Middle.
Anholt; Laurence, Stone Girl; Bone Girl: The Story of Mary Anning, Lower.
Atkins; Jeannine, Mary Anning and the Sea Dragon, Lower.
Walker; Sally M, Mary Anning: Fossil Hunter, Lower.
Bendick; Jean, Archimedes and the Door to Science, Middle/Upper.
Brown; Don, One Giant Leap: The Story of Neil Armstrong, Lower.
Dunham; Montrew, Neil Armstrong; Young Pilot, (COFA), Middle.
Collier; Bruce, Charles Babbage and the Engines of Perfection, Upper.

Rose; Mary Catherine, Clara Barton: Soldier of Mercy, Lower/Middle.
Stevenson; Augusta, Clara Barton: Founder of the American Red Cross, (COFA), Middle.
MacLeod; Elizabeth, Alexander Graham Bell: An Inventive Life, Middle.
Matthews; Tom L, Always Inventing, (about Alexander Graham Bell), Middle.
Quackenbush; Robert, Ahoy! Ahoy! Are You There? A Story of Alexander Graham Bell, Lower/Middle
Blanchard; Duncan C, The Snowflake Man: A Biography of Wilson A Bentley, Upper.
Fritts; Mary Bahr, My Brother Loved Snowflakes: The Story of Wilson A. Bentley, Lower.
Martin; Jacqueline Briggs, Snowflake Bentley, Lower/Middle.

Henry; Joanne Landers, Elizabeth Blackwell: Girl Doctor, (COFA), Middle.
Pasachoff; Naomi, Niels Bohr: Physicist and Humanitarian, Upper.
Accorsi; William, Rachel Carson, Lower.
Ehrlich; Amy, Rachel: The Story of Rachel Carson, Lower.
Sabin; Francene, Rachel Carson; Friend of the Earth, Middle.
Aliki, A Weed is a Flower: The Life of George Washington Carver, Lower.
Greene; Carol, George Washington Carver; Scientist and Teacher, Lower.
Moore; Eva, The Story of George Washington Carver, Middle.

Nelson; Marilyn, Carver: A Life in Poems, Upper.
Borden; Louise, Fly High! The Story of Bessie Coleman, (first African American to earn pilot's license), Middle.
Fradin; Dennis Brindell, Nicolaus Copernicus: the earth is a planet, Middle/Upper.
Edelson; Edward, Francis Crick and James Watson and the Building Blocks of Life, Upper.
Birch; Beverly, Marie Curie: Courageous Pioneer in the Study of Radioactivity, Middle.
Greene; Carol, Marie Curie: Pioneer Physicist, Middle.
Pasachoff; Naomi, Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity, Upper.
Wishinsky; Frieda, Manya's Dream: A Story of Marie Curie, Middle.

Stanley; Diane, Leonardo da Vinci, Lower.
Anderson; Margaret J, Charles Darwin: Naturalist, Middle.
Senker; Cath, Charles Darwin, Middle.
Sis; Peter, The Tree of Life: Charles Darwin, Middle.
Stefoff; Rebecca, Charles Darwin and the Evolution Revolution, Upper.
Howe; Jane Moore, Amelia Earhart: Young Air Pioneer, Middle.
Szabo; Corinne, Sky Pioneer, (Earhart), Middle.
Baker; Beth, Sylvia Earle: Guardian of the Sea, Middle.

Earle; Sylvia, Dive! My Adventures in the Deep Frontier, (National Geographic), Middle.
Adler; David A, Thomas Alva Edison; Great Inventor, Lower.
Bedik; Shelly, Thomas Edison; Great American Inventor, Lower.
Cousins; Margaret, The Story of Thomas Alva Edison, (Landmark Books), Middle.
Guthridge; Sue, Thomas Edison: Young Inventor, (COFA), Middle.
Bernstein; Jeremy, Albert Einstein and the Frontiers of Physics, Upper.
Cwiklik; Robert, Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity, Middle.
Goldenstern; Joyce, Albert Einstein: Physicist and Genius, Middle.

Hammontree; Marie, Albert Einstein: Young Thinker, (COFA), Middle.
MacDonald; Fiona, Albert Einstein: Genius Behind the Theory of Relativity, Middle.
MacLeod; Elizabeth, Albert Einstein: A Life of Genius, Middle.
Schaefer; Lola M, Albert Einstein, Lower.
Lasky; Kathryn, The Librarian Who Measured the Earth, (Eratosthenes), Lower.
Aird; Hazel B; et al, Henry Ford: Young Man With Ideas, (COFA), Middle.
Matthews; Tom L, Light Shining Through the Mist, (Fossey/study of gorillas), Middle.
Birch; Beverly, Benjamin Franklin's Adventures With Electricity, Middle.

Fleming; Candace, Ben Franklin's Almanac : Being a True Account of the Good Gentleman's Life, Middle.
Fritz; Jean, What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin?, Middle.
Krensky; Stephen, Ben Franklin and His First Kite, Lower.
Roop; Peter, Benjamin Franklin, Middle.
Schanzer; Rosalyn, How Ben Franklin Stole the Lightning, Middle.
Stevenson; Augusta, Benjamin Franklin: Young Printer, (COFA), Middle.
Senker; Cath, Rosalind Franklin, (only children's book about Franklin and her contributions to DNA research of Crick and Watson), Middle.
Reef; Catherine, Sigmund Freud: Pioneer of the Mind, Middle/Upper.

Bendick; Jean, Galen and the Gateway to Medicine, Middle.
Brighton; Catherine, Five Secrets in a Box, (Galileo) Middle.
Boerst; William J, Galileo and the Science of Motion, Middle.
Fisher; Leonard Everett, Galileo, Middle.
Hightower; Paul W, Galileo: Astronomer and Physicist, Middle.
MacLachlan; James, Galileo Galilei: First Physicist, Upper.
Mason; Paul, Galileo, Middle.
Sis; Peter, Starry Messenger, (Galileo) Middle.

White; Michael, Galileo Galilei: Inventor; Astronomer; and Rebel, Middle.
George; Jean Craighead, The Tarantula in My Purse: And 172 Other Wild Pets, Middle.
Goodall; Jane, Chimps, Middle.
Goodall; Jane, The Chimpanzees I Love: Saving Their World and Ours, Lower.
Goodall; Jane, My Life With the Chimpanzees, Middle.
Senn; JA, Jane Goodall; Naturalist, Middle/Upper.
Burch; Joann Johansen, Fine Print: A Story About Johann Gutenberg, Middle.
Fisher; Leonard Everett, Gutenberg, Middle.

Lasky; Kathryn, The Man Who Made Time Travel, (John Harrison, eighteenth-century clock maker who solved problem of tracking longitude in shipboard navigation), Middle.
Yount; Lisa, William Harvey: Discoverer of How Blood Circulates, Middle.
MacDonald; Fiona, Edwin Hubble, Middle.
Marrin; Albert, Dr. Jenner and the Speckled Monster: The Search for the Smallpox Vaccine, Middle/Upper.
Swanson; Gloria M., I've Got an Idea! The Story of Frederick McKinley Jones, (modernized version of Man With a Million Ideas; about African American inventor / engineer), Middle.
Voelkel; James R, Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy, Upper.
Yount; Lisa, Antoine Lavoisier: Founder of Modern Chemistry, Middle.
Byrd; Robert, Leonardo: Beautiful Dreamer, Middle.

Anderson; Margaret J, Carl Linnaeus: Father of Classification, Middle.
Towle; Wendy, The Real McCoy: The Life of an African-American Inventor, Lower.
Pollard; Michael, Margaret Mead: Bringing World Cultures Together, (anthropology), Middle.
Henig; Robin Marantz, The Monk in the Garden: The Lost and Found Genius of Gregor Mendel; the Father of Genetics, Middle.
Klare; Roger, Gregor Mendel: Father of Genetics, Middle.
Allan; Tony, Isaac Newton, Middle.
Anderson; Margaret J, Isaac Newton: The Greatest Scientist of All Time, Middle.
Christianson; Gale E, Isaac Newton and the Scientific Revolution, Upper.

McPherson; Joyce, The Ocean of Truth: The Story of Sir Isaac Newton, Middle.
White; Michael, Isaac Newton: Discovering Laws That Govern the Universe, Middle.
Gorrell; Gena K, Heart and Soul: The Story of Florence Nightingale, Middle.
McPherson; Joyce, A Piece of the Mountain: The Story of Blaise Pascal, Middle.
Bains; Rae, Louis Pasteur, Lower.
Birch; Beverly, Pasteur's Fight Against Microbes, Middle.
Greene; Carol, Louis Pasteur: Enemy of Disease, Middle/Upper.
Smith; Linda Wasmer, Louis Pasteur: Disease Fighter, Middle.

Sisson; Kathryn Cleven, Eddie Rickenbacker: Boy Pilot and Racer, Middle.
Hopping; Lorraine Jean, Sally Ride: Space Pioneer, Middle.
Hurwitz; Jane, Sally Ride: Shooting for the Stars, Middle.
Baldwin; Joyce, To Heal the Heart of a Child: Helen Taussig; MD, (about Taussig; a woman pioneer in pediatric cardiology), Upper.
Kramer; Stephen, Theodoric's Rainbow, (a somewhat fictionalized account of the monk who studied rainbows), Middle.
Wetterer; Margaret K, Clyde Tombaugh and the Search for Planet X, (about man who discovered Pluto), Lower.
Kumin; Maxine, The Microscope, (about Van Leeuwenhoek), Lower.
Yount; Lisa, Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek: First to See Microscopic Life, Middle.

Borden; Louise, Touching the Sky: The Flying Adventures of Wilbur and Orville Wright, Lower.
Busby; Peter, First to Fly: How Wilbur & Orville Wright Invented the Airplane, Middle.
Freedman; Russell, The Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane, Upper.
Krensky; Stephen, Taking Flight: The Story of the Wright Brothers, Lower.
MacLeod; Elizabeth, The Wright Brothers: A Flying Start, Middle.
Parker; Robert Andrew, To Fly: The Story of the Wright Brothers, Middle.
Reynolds; Quentin, The Wright Brothers: Pioneers of American Aviation, Middle.
Stevenson; Augusta, Wilbur and Orville Wright: Young Fliers, (COFA), Middle.

Sullivan; George, The Wright Brothers, Middle.
Woods; Andrew, Young Orville and Wilbur Wright: First to Fly, (focuses on their childhood), Lower.
Levinson; Nancy Smiler, Chuck Yeager: The Man Who Broke the Sound Barrier, Middle/Upper.
Stein; R Conrad, Chuck Yeager Breaks the Sound Barrier, Middle.
Williams; Colleen Madonna Flood, Chuck Yeager, Middle/Upper.

History of Science / Collections of Biographies

Atkins; Jeannine, Girls Who Looked Under Rocks: The Lives of Six Pioneering Naturalists, (Includes Maria Merian; Anna Comstock; Frances Hamerstrom; Rachel Carson; Miriam Rothschild; and Jane Goodall), Middle/Upper.
Atkins; Jeannine, Wings and Rockets: The Story of Women in Air and Space, Middle.
Beshore; George, Science in Ancient China, Middle/Upper.
Beshore; George, Science in Early Islamic Cultures, Middle/Upper.
Callan; Jim, Amazing Scientists: A Book of Answers for Kids, (in Q&A format), Middle.
Campbell; Ann-Jeanette, Amazing Space: A Book of Answers for Kids, (in Q&A format), Middle.
Chrisp; Peter, DK Readers: Dinosaur Detectives, Lower.
Clements; Gilliam, The Picture History of Great Inventors, Middle.

Curtis; Robert H, Great Lives: Medicine, (38 biographical portaits of men and women important to history of medicine), Middle/Upper.
Faber; Doris and Harold Faber, Great Lives: Nature and the Environment, Middle.
Fridell; Ron, Solving Crimes: Pioneers of Forensic Science, Upper.
Gay; Kathlyn, Science in Ancient Greece, Middle/Upper.
Haber; Louis, Black Pioneers of Science and Invention, Upper.
Harris; Jacqueline, Science in Ancient Rome, Middle/Upper.
Haskins; Jim, Outward Dreams, (about black inventors and their contributions), Middle.
Lehn; Barbara, What is a Scientist?, (introduces children to scientific process), Lower.

Lomask; Milton and Pope John Paul II, Great Lives: Invention and Technology, (27 biographies; mostly 19th century male inventors), Middle.
Moss; Carol, Science in Ancient Mesopotamia, Middle/Upper.
Sullivan; Otha Richard, African American Inventors, Middle.
Tiner; John Hudson, 100 Scientists Who Shaped World History, Upper.
Woods; Geraldine, Science in Ancient Egypt, Middle/Upper.
Woods; Geraldine, Science of the Early Americas, Middle/Upper.
Yenne; Bill, 100 Inventions That Shaped World History, Middle.
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