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Anti-inflammatory Diet and Treatment

(2009-07-15 13:35:20) 下一個
There is now compelling scientific evidence that control of oxidative tissue damage and systemic inflammation can have dramatic antiaging benefits, and also put a brake on some most serious diseases, including cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes, all of which are the ultimate consequences of systemic inflammation.

The chronic oxidative damage is produced from free radicals prevalent in our everyday life, and this inevitably leads to heightened systemic inflammation, which can be further aggravated enormously by occurring viral and bacterial infections, toxic and other physical injuries. Food and vitamins with antioxidant properties are known to quench these reactive free radicals, thereby curbing oxidative damage and reducing inflammations. Therefore, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory diet are understandably crucial to any antiaging effort and preventive control of the major diseases that are critically linked to inflammations.

How to Find Out If You're Inflamed
Inflammation is measured by a marker called C-reactive protein or CRP. As inflammation creeps up, so do CRP levels in the blood. A blood test to measure levels of CRP is inexpensive ($25 to $30) and extremely reliable. Patients with autoimmune disease and cancer often have high CRP levels, but the test is making headlines for its ability to suss out heart disease in otherwise healthy-looking people. Those who have the most to gain from being tested are people at moderate risk (poor diet plus a lack of exercise) with otherwise healthy-looking cholesterol levels.

Medical Anti-Inflammatory Treatments:
Common medical anti-inflammatory treatments include rest, light exercise, weight maintenance, stretching, and medications designed to reduce the inflammation and control the pain. These medications include Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), steroid medications, and perhaps ultimately joint replacement surgery. Unfortunately, NSAIDs come with the terrible side-effects of destroying stomach lining and kidney functions.

Anti-inflammatory Foods, Herbs, Vitamins and Supplements

1. Fish oil: 1000mg three times a day.
Other good fats and oils: Omega-3 essential fatty acids are very powerful anti-inflammatory agents. They are found in cold water oily fish, walnuts, flax seeds, canola oil and pumpkin seeds. Adding omega-3 fatty acid supplements from flax oil or fish oil may also help reduce inflammation. Olive oil is another type of oil that will reduce inflammation. In fact, olive oil has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and will help to reduce pain. Other healthy oils include rice bran oil, grape seed oil, and walnut oil.

2. Vitamins
Vitamin E: The fat-soluble vitamin keeps inflammation from even getting started by disarming integral inflammatory genes. Vitamin E is also a powerful antioxidant. suggests taking 200 to 400 IU (134 to 268 mg) of mixed-tocopherol vitamin E daily

Vitamin B12 and folic acid play a special anti-inflammatory role. Folic acid supplement tablets can be taken orally, and maximum daily dosage from supplement is 1mg, as a lot of food does contain folic acid. B12 is not available in most foods and B12 tablets are not well absorbed by stomach, so liquid B12 can be taken sublingually (drop it under the tongue). Daily dose of B12 is preferably 1~2 mg.

3. Cut Back on Sugary, White Flour, Corn-meal and Dairy Foods: Too much dairy and white flour can kick the immune system into high gear, particularly if you're lactose intolerant or have celiac disease. In people who suffer from these conditions, the gut treats dairy and wheat products as hostile invaders: Often it only takes a bite of bread or a spoonful of ice cream to get the inflammatory cycle going. One exception to the dairy rule is eggs, especially those enriched with omega-3s.

Too much sugary foods can also be an even bigger problem, especially when eaten between meals, since they cause a sudden surge in blood sugar. To reestablish balance, the pancreas lets out a gush of insulin, which in turn switches on the genes involved in inflammation. This biochemical roller coaster is thought to contribute to the onset of Type 2 diabetes. Corn syrup that is rich in high fructose can particularly causes insulin resistance, i.e., to make insulin unable to reduce blood sugar.

Good carbohydrates: Most of your carbohydrates should come from whole grains, brown rice, vegetables and fruits. Whole grains and brown rice are excellent sources of fiber, and a high fiber diet will reduce inflammation. Buckwheat is especially anti-inflammatory.

4. Avoid the nightshade family of plants: Some vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, red and green bell peppers and chili peppers, and eggplant may actually make pain from inflammation worse. These vegetables are part of the nightshade family of plants and contain a chemical alkaloid called solanine. Solanine can trigger pain in some people especially if you have a persistent wound or internal lesion.

5. Protein: Good protein sources include lean poultry, fish and seafood, nuts, legumes and seeds. Red meats may trigger inflammation, so cut back on fatty red meats.
Soybeans, tofu, and soy milk are three great sources of soy proteins that may help to reduce pain and inflammation.

6. Fruits and vegetables: Choose green leafy vegetables, green and brightly colored vegetables and fruits. You should eat at least five and preferably more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Vegetables and whole fruits are important fighters of inflammation as sources of dietary fiber and antioxidants. For maximum anti-inflammatory protection, fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants should be taken every 3 hrs throughout the day to constantly refresh the body system.
    Berries are a great food choice, especially blueberries and strawberries which are packed with anti-inflammatory phytochemicals and antioxidants. The pigments in brightly colored fruits, vegetables and berries contain many phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory properties. One example is quercetin, which is also found in apple, dark-grapes, and red onion skins and has strong anti-inflammatory properties.
    Antioxidant capacity of some fruit juices: pomegranate juice, Concord grape juice, and blueberry juice are ranked highly. Acai juice is ranked below and roughly equivalent to that of black cherry or cranberry juice, but is higher than that of orange juice, apple juice, and tea.
     Broccoli, Lentils, and Grapefruit contain naturally occurring pesticides that can cause mutations and interference of metabolism if consumed in large quatities.

7. Key Anti-inflammatory Food Supplements:
1) Turmeric extract: 400 to 600 milligrams of turmeric extract (either in tablets or capsules) three times a day.
2) Ginger: one to two tablets (500 to 1,000 milligrams) of powdered dry ginger twice a day with food. Ginger is effective in controlling pain and inflammation, but too much of it may induce the burning sensation of stomach.

8. Other Major Anti-inflammatory Herbs
1) Acai
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