


(2008-02-14 03:07:49) 下一個

ooh! it has been quite a while that I haven't written down something. But look  back, the time is so ruthless and ain't stay for anyone. Today is a day of those thousands of ordinary days. You can't find any special of it. Wait! oh! yes. It is Valentine's day, what a shame that I'm alone by myself. Since it is a holiday, I've tried many ways to kill my time to keep the sense of being boring away from me. However, I'm not that successful.

I've been away from home for nearly 6 and half years. I felt that I sort of accomplish what I expected in the first place, but what I haven't achieved is still one the way to approach me. It is another degree! I've been questioned for million of times whether I'm doing my master degree or PHD. Somehow, I manage to avoid answering this embarrassing question by saying that, well, this is actually my third degree at bachelor level. The strange beams from eyeballs of the one asking the question. I'm a bit guilty of what I've done. Though, I explained further "look, I was with my law degree in China, then I turned my interest in Business, so I got it in Bachelor. And finally I realised that my whole engergy and passion is still on law." By saying all these, I'm relieved as if I have been so capable of studying.The truth is that I'm a little in fear that how bad decision I've made to go around and around with a simple professional degree. What I didn't tell is that I wasn't that good to make it in law school in the early stage as my English was awful. As there has to be two more years to complete all courses, I'm conflicting with myself and right in dilemma where, on the one hand, I felt I'm, in a sense, to be superior, on the other, I fear that I wouldn't be able to complete it in time and I have no time really to waste since my 30s is forcing toward me. Such tradeoff makes me a bit unease for a quite long time. I'm trying to cope with it, but haven't completely got it.

How stupid I am! talking too much nonsense. I just want that in the other day when I open up this diary, I would laugh and recall what mood I am in today and take da other look at what I'd be supposed to do next.

I believe that I am a logical person with sound reasoning ability. that is why I always browse Wenxuecity website in the News column to make some comments regarding the social issues. However, what I saw dispoint me a lot, as people there did not have a responsible and open attitude to make remarks. Some of them seem to indulge themselve in the endless chauvinism without being reasonable to accommodate all productive comments which at least were contemplated in good faith and in good manner. Rather, the rudeness and absurdity appear to be sometime dominant in the BBS. What a shame! they even didn't respect the other's freedom of speech. Such narrow-minded prospective mandates the way people take their own view. I'm a bit concerned that what if we have been in the lead in the world, do we respect anyone at all? If not, how about ourselves?

Well, it has been stretched too far to talk about social development. Anyway, it has run out of time this time! I will be keeping with this diary. Hah! Did I promise myself again? hope this time it is a serious one.

Good luck on my new semester, all the best to myself and family!

God bless all family!

not mention, my daughter is gonna come back in weeks, I really can't wait to see her. The separation has truly be long time. I'm looking forward to meeting her and to seeing what is like my fatherhood.

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