

(2008-04-29 21:11:03) 下一個

一位美國青年寫道:“近來發生的一切並不能帶給中國尊敬或榮耀。相反地,在外人眼裏,這些行為使中國看上去既不開化又粗魯無禮(uncivilized and brutish)。我想幫助我的中國朋友,尤其是那些旅居海外的人,幫助他們學習如何恰當的處理西方的政治爭議,這樣他們就能更好的讓外人了解他們的祖國,修補中國的國際形象。。。衷心祝願北京奧運會成功!”

在建議開始之前,他說“我有些擔心我所寫的東西有點兒‘訓導\'的味道”( I\'m a little concerned that what I wrote might seem patronizing。 )



1、給該節目編輯寫一封有禮貌的信,指出問題所在,用邏輯來支撐你的觀點。(要文明的體麵的表達你的觀點,給編輯寫信是個好辦法 ---而且你的信可以被免費發表出來,讓更多人看到)

DO write a polite letter to the editor to point out the problem, giving a logical argument to support your position。 (Letters to the editor are a respectable, civilized way to express your opinion—and you can get it published for free)


DO make a calm, informative video that explains why a photograph or media clip is wrong or misleading。 (People are willing to listen to and learn from calm, reasonable videos)


DON\'T write an angry, irrational protest letter with an argument based upon ad hominem attacks and Communist political mantras。(If you write an angry letter, your opinion will not be respected。 Ad hominem attacks (irrelevant criticism of a person\'s character) will be rejected as desperate。 Communist language is very easy to spot, and people will disregard you if they think you are simply repeating government propaganda。)


DON\'T make a video that makes angry, illogical statements and tells the Western viewer he is an idiot。 (It is difficult to accept correction from a person who insults you, especially if he does it illogically。 This video on YouTube is a perfect example of what NOT to do: http://www。youtube。com/watch?v=x9QNKB34cJo。 It insults the viewer and makes unsupported and illogical claims, such as saying the CIA still provides support to the Dalai Lama。)


DON\'T call for bans or violent attacks against publications or broadcasters who make unfair statements。 (It is very important to remember that since Western media are not controlled by the government, their errors and biases should not be taken so seriously。 Freedom of speech even covers speech that is unfair or wrong; this is an important protection against government tyranny。)



DO respect the fact that the person\'s culture is different, and that he views political and moral issues differently。 (For example,Americans often have a positive view of “independence” movements because they think of all the good things that came from American independence。 Also, people from some countries are more suspicious of government, especially authoritarian governments like the central government of China)


DO realize that since he didn\'t grow up in China, he has access to different information about Tibet, some of which is more accurate than what you learned in China。 (Chinese people have the advantage of having better opportunities to study and experience Tibet。 Foreigners have the advantage of learning about Tibet without the interference of Chinese government propaganda, censorship, and deceit。)


DO have a friendly debate based on facts and logic。(Have a little debate。 Don\'t get emotional。 Hopefully you will both learn something。)


DO have a friendly debate based on facts and logic。 (The person is probably not wrong about everything regarding Tibet, and it is more polite to gently correct than to tell him that he is ignorant。)


DON\'T make absolute statements that you cannot readily support。(“Tibet was, is and always will be a part of China” is not a complete argument。 You must provide convincing historical evidence of the ties between Tibet and China。)



DO talk about your differences of opinion respectfully and learn why some people disagree with the official Chinese position。 (Once again, I think it is best to try to learn from someone with different opinions。)


DON\'T denounce the person as a “traitor” and threaten him or his family with violence。 (Disagreeing with the Chinese government is different from betraying China。 Violence or threats of violence are never excusable, and they make China seem nasty and uncivilized。 I was appalled at the way Grace Wang at Duke was treated by her fellow Chinese citizens。)



DO express your dismay that a small number of people have decided to disrupt the torch relay for political purposes。 (You will probably find many people who are also disappointed that the Olympics have become so political—but many people also think that the Chinese government deserves to be embarrassed。)

14。 問問你的朋友他們是否認為這種幹擾有情可原,如果他們的觀點與你不同,要在尊重的基礎上互相討論。(反正奧運已經被如此政治化了,正可以借此討論這政治化應該到何為止?)

DO ask your friends if they think these disruptions are acceptable,and have a respectful discussion if your opinions differ。Since the Olympics have already become so political, the attacks on the torch provide a good starting point to discuss what the limits to this politicization should be。


DON\'T behave as though disrupting the Olympic torch relay is an unforgivable sin on the part of an entire city or nation。(The fact that the torch relay was disrupted in Paris and San Francisco doesn\'t mean that most French or most Americans are anti-China。 Most of them don\'t really care。 You can\'t blame the French or American governments, either, without serious evidence。)


DON\'T try to “punish” foreign companies with boycotts and violent mobs。Not only is wrong to try to “punish” a country for an insult made by some of its citizens, boycotting Carrefour will not hurt Carrefour much and will mostly hurt Carrefour\'s Chinese employees, and the Chinese companies whose products are sold at Carrefour。 Forming violent mobs at Carrefour makes China look really backward and stupid。


17、當這人說“中國”或“中國人民”時,弄清楚他的意思是不是“中國中央政府”。(用“中國”指代“中國政府”的用法非常普遍,就像人們也常用“美國”指代 “美國政府”一樣。當西方人批評中國政府時他們並不是在批評全體中國人,他們知道中國人不能選擇自己的政治領導人)

DO think carefully about whether the person means “the Chinese central government” when he says “China” or “the Chinese。” (It is very common to say “China” when speaking about the Chinese government, just like one would say “the US” when talking about the US government。 Furthermore, when Westerners criticize China\'s government they are not blaming all Chinese; they realize that the Chinese people do not choose China\'s political leaders。)

18、對一個在很多事情上都習慣口出狂言的人,別把他當回事兒。(像Jack Cafferty, Lou Dobbs 和Bill O\'Reilly這些人,他們的職業就是口出狂言,要靠這個養家糊口。他們把那些愚蠢冒失的話掛在嘴邊是為了吸引眼球。所以當他們對中國胡說八道時,最好的辦法是置之不理而不是呼籲嚴懲。就因為某人在電視上說了些關於中國的蠢話就如此敏感,多荒唐啊!)

DON\'T feel like you need to respond if the person frequently makes outrageous statements on other topics。 (People like Jack Cafferty, Lou Dobbs and Bill O\'Reilly are paid to be provocative。 They say silly, offensive things all the time because more people will watch them。 So when they say something silly and offensive about China, the best response is to roll your eyes, not to call for severe punishment。Americans think it\'s ridiculous how sensitive the Chinese are about one man saying some dumb things about China on TV。)
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