
【瓦解共產極權從破除謊言開始 】共產政體有兩大支柱,一個是暴力,一個是謊言,就是槍杆子和筆杆子,謊言的作用遠比暴力要大數倍


(2007-07-10 07:07:17) 下一個





在決議表決前,大會舉行了兩個多小時的激烈辯論,多國議會的代表在會上發表講話。以下是格魯吉亞共和國(Georgia) 波可裏亞(Giga Bokeria)先生的發言︰

我要感謝並強烈支持特派員所提供的決議草案。即使沒有日裏諾夫斯基先生(Mr Zhirinovsky)的支持,我也不會改變自己的決定。在日裏諾夫斯基先生之前發言的久加諾夫先生(Mr Ziuganov)是俄羅斯聯邦最大反對黨領袖。蘇俄共黨首領對譴責共產黨罪行一事未發一言,這我並不意外。蘇俄總統普汀先生近期表示蘇聯的瓦解是二十世紀的最大悲劇,此時其同僚如何能表態支持譴責共產獨裁政權呢?

共產黨的傳統在我的國家是很鮮明的,在任何由共產黨所統治的國家皆是如此。盧卡申科先生(Mr Lukashenko)也許不是個純粹的共產黨員,但他是共產政權下的產物。大家都知道現今有些國家仍然受到共產黨的統治,其人民因自身的信仰而遭受迫害或殺害。最近烏克蘭代表成員在聽見國際間正在著手準備一份1930年間群體滅絕罪行的調查報告時而哭泣。為犯罪負起道義責任是必須的。

今天我們所聽聞的部分發言讓我感到投票支持本決議案是很重要的。有部分聯合左翼黨團和社會黨的同事提出了一個罕見的論點。他們指問這份報告主張的是譴責共產主義意識型態還是那些相信共產黨的人?絕對沒有這回事,就是譴責共產獨裁政權。人們或許不想把共產主義意識型態和共產黨罪行劃上等號,特別是那些自認為是共產黨員者不願支持這份報告。我並不是指自認是共產黨員的就是罪犯或有暴力傾向,但事實是︰當共產黨在掌握統治權後,其執政結果都是以血腥和恐懼收場。這絕非偶然的。科薩契夫先生(Mr Kosachev)所舉的摩爾多瓦(Moldova)例子是無關的。摩爾多瓦的情況並非是因為共產黨獲得政權後所導致的結果,而是因為蘇聯的瓦解。隻要共產黨成為絕對多數,結局就是鎮壓。這絕非單一例子。






















Need for international condemnation of crimes of totalitarian communist regimes
Resolution 1481 (2006) 

1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers to its Resolution 1096 (1996) on measures to dismantle the heritage of the former communist totalitarian systems. 

2. The totalitarian communist regimes which ruled in Central and Eastern Europe in the last century, and which are still in power in several countries in the world, have been, without exception, characterised by massive violations of human rights. The violations have differed depending on the culture, country and the historical period and have included individual and collective assassinations and executions, death in concentration camps, starvation, deportations, torture, slave labour and other forms of mass physical terror, persecution on ethnic or religious base, violation of freedom of conscience, thought and expression, of freedom of press, and also lack of political pluralism. 

3. The crimes were justified in the name of the class struggle theory and the principle of dictatorship of the proletariat. The interpretation of both principles legitimised the elimination of people who were considered harmful to the construction of a new society and, as such, enemies of the totalitarian communist regimes. A vast number of victims in every country concerned were its own nationals. It was the case particularly of peoples of the former USSR who by far outnumbered other peoples in terms of the number of victims. 

4. The Assembly recognises that, in spite of the crimes of totalitarian communist regimes, some European communist parties have made contributions to achieving democracy. 

5. The fall of totalitarian communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe has not been followed in all cases by an international investigation of the crimes committed by them. Moreover, the authors of these crimes have not been brought to trial by the international community, as was the case with the horrible crimes committed by National Socialism (nazism). 

6. Consequently, public awareness of crimes committed by totalitarian communist regimes is very poor. Communist parties are legal and active in some countries, even if in some cases they have not distanced themselves from the crimes committed by totalitarian communist regimes in the past. 

7. The Assembly is convinced that the awareness of history is one of the preconditions for avoiding similar crimes in the future. Furthermore, moral assessment and condemnation of crimes committed play an important role in the education of young generations. The clear position of the international community on the past may be a reference for their future actions. 

8. Moreover, the Assembly believes that those victims of crimes committed by totalitarian communist regimes who are still alive or their families, deserve sympathy, understanding and recognition for their sufferings. 

9. Totalitarian communist regimes are still active in some countries of the world and crimes continue to be committed. National interest perceptions should not prevent countries from adequate criticism of present totalitarian communist regimes. The Assembly strongly condemns all those violations of human rights. 

10. The debates and condemnations which have taken place so far at national level in some Council of Europe member states cannot give dispensation to the international community from taking a clear position on the crimes committed by the totalitarian communist regimes. It has a moral obligation to do so without any further delay. 

11. The Council of Europe is well placed for such a debate at international level. All former European communist countries, with the exception of Belarus, are now its members and the protection of human rights and the rule of law are basic values for which it stands. 

12. Therefore, the Parliamentary Assembly strongly condemns the massive human rights violations committed by the totalitarian communist regimes and expresses sympathy, understanding and recognition to the victims of these crimes. 

13. Furthermore, it calls on all communist or post-communist parties in its member states which have not so far done so to reassess the history of communism and their own past, clearly distance themselves from the crimes committed by totalitarian communist regimes and condemn them without any ambiguity. 

14. The Assembly believes that this clear position of the international community will pave the way to further reconciliation. Furthermore, it will hopefully encourage historians throughout the world to continue their research aimed at the determination and objective verification of what took place. 

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