


(2007-05-24 16:15:48) 下一個

回答: 提上來再問一問,誠向各位媽媽請教,謝謝五月鳳凰媽和潛水員05Snowi2005-08-05 06:42:39

1. 為什麽寶寶的飯量會減少呢? 是不是過了growth spurt?
-> Might be, as long as your baby does not lose weight, he/she is fine, and wait another week or so, because normally there is a second growth spurt time around 6th week, Summer was the same, she's kind of eating less after 4 weeks, then suddenly from 6th week, she begian eat a lot again..
2. 怎樣克服寶寶的nipple confusion. 她現在是死活不吃奶瓶. 我用的Avent的瓶子.
I do not think it is nipple confusion, because nipple confusion is the way around, Baby tries to use the bottle-feeding technique on the breast and has difficulty latching-on and sucking is nipple confusion, check if you screw the nipple too tight, or try to ask somebody else feed her using bottles, Summer did not like the mom bottles to feed her in the beginning, so I tried to feed her with bottle(she could not see my wife), she is fine, so it might be that the when baby see the mom, he/she like to get milk from mom..
3. 為什麽吃奶的時候寶寶睡著,一放在crib裏就醒?是沒吃飽嗎?
-> After 33 days, you should already figured out if she is hungry or not. Most likely is the baby is easiely getting sleep when the baby is close to the mom, he/she is more comfortable, but she/he is still in the "light sleep" mode, babies need 20 -30 min to get into deep sleep, that is why you have to pad the baby to sleep, please read the following article,, it might help!
4. 寶寶一個月白天總共隻睡3個小時左右,有時候更少,夜裏還要醒3次喂奶. 她的睡眠是不是太少?她不睡我也沒得覺睡,就快要累死了
It sounds too little, the baby before 6 mon generally sleep or drowse for 16 to 20 hours a day, divided about equally between night and day. But it's important to recognize that babies aren't always awake when they sound like they are; they can cry and make all sorts of other noises during light sleep. Even if they do wake up in the night, they may only be awake for a few minutes before falling asleep again on their own. Let your baby try. It's best if babies learn early to get themselves to sleep. and you have to teach the routine to the baby, because your baby doesn't care what time it is, as long as his or her needs are met. My wife use a chart everyday to teach the routine to Summer, now she has the much better routine.

So do not be so frustrated, everybody is more or less the same, we are all new parents, everything will be fine..

Good luck
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