
落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色 一句最有魅力的中國古詩. 令人心曠神怡,寧靜致遠.


(2009-12-11 23:29:50) 下一個


encouraging someone who is hesitant

1. Give it a try. 試試看。
2. Go for it. 去試試吧。
3. Have a go at it. 你來試一試。
4. It won't hurt you to try it. 你不妨試試。
5. It's going to be hard, but give it your best shot. 事情會很難,你盡力而為就是了。
6. Come on. You can do it! 來吧,你能行!
7. Go for the first prize! I know you are good enough. 爭取拿頭獎,我知道你行。
8. Let's see some action! 趕快行動起來吧!
9. No pain, no gain. 隻有付出,才有收獲!(不勞則無獲!)

advising someone to be patient

1. Take it easy. 別著急。
2. Just try to be patient. 盡量耐心一點。
3. Please bear with me. 請耐心等一會兒。(意為:請等我把話說完或把手上的事情做完。)
4. Take things as they come. 車到山前必有路。(字麵含義:等事情發生了,再想對策也不遲。)
5. Rome wasn't built in a day. 羅馬不是一天建成的。
6. One step at a time. 做事要一步一步來。
7. Don't get ahead of yourself. 別做你力所不能及的事。
8. Don't jump the gun. 別輕舉妄動。(jump the gun:運動員在發令槍沒響時就搶先起跑。常指在情況不明時過早地表態或行動,因而造成失誤。)
9. Don't cross that bridge till you come to it. 沒到河邊,先別操心怎麽過橋。
10. All in good time. 別急,還有時間。
11. There's a time for everything. 事情要一件一件地做。
12. Things will work out in the end. 事情最終都會解決的。
13. Everything will work itself out. 每件事情都會得到解決的。
14. Everything will fall into place. 事情該怎樣,就會怎樣。
15. Everything will come out right in the end---just you wait and see. 你就等著瞧吧,一切最終都會順利解決。
16. See how things go for another month before you decide what to do. 你先等一個月,看看形勢的發展再作決定。

telling someone to stay calm and not to overreact

1. Calm down. 冷靜一點.
2. Don't get so excited about it. 別因為這事兒太激動。
3. Don't go into hysterics. 不要歇斯底裏。
4. Don't lose sleep over it. 別因為這事兒睡不著覺。
5. Don't let it get to you. 別讓他影響你的情緒。((get to:使……沮喪)
6. Don't be so sensitive. 別太敏感。
7. You'll send yourself to an early grave. 你這樣會未老先衰的。
8. Learn to roll with the punches. 要學會應付困難。(punch:拳擊猛擊。roll with the punches:拳擊手避開對方的攻擊,引申為從容應付困難局麵。)
9. Easy does it, tom. Don't get all worked up. 冷靜點,湯姆,不要太激動。
10. Don't fly off the handle. 不要這麽衝動。(fly off the handle:發脾氣,失控製。)
11. Keep cool. 保持冷靜。
12. Don't lose your cool. 要沉住氣。
13. It's important for you to keep a cool head at this moment. 這時候保持頭腦冷靜是很重要的。
14. It's no big deal. 沒什麽大不了的。
15. Like it's such a big deal. 就好象有什麽大不了似的。( like:好像,似乎,相當於as if。)
16. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. 你在小題大做。(make a mountain out of a molehill:把鼴鼠丘當成大山。)

encouraging someone who is preparing for a big event

1. This is your big night. 今兒晚上可是你的好日子。
2. This could be your lucky day. 今天你要時來運轉了。
3. This is the big moment. 這可是關鍵時刻。
4. This is the moment you've been waiting for. 你期待已久的時刻終於到來了。
5. You'll do great. Break a leg! 你會幹得很棒的。 祝你好運!(break a leg:原為對即將出場的演員的祝福。按演藝界的一種迷信觀念,說不吉利的話反而能帶來好運。)
6. We're right behind you. 我們都支持你。
7. You'll make us proud. 我們會為你驕傲的。

conforting someone who is unhappy

1. Pull yourself together. 振作起來。
2. Keep your chin up. 別灰心。
3. Don't let it get you down. It will be over with soon. 別為此煩惱。事情很快就會過去的。
4. Don't be so miserable! 別這愁眉苦臉的。
5. Cheep up! things will work out for the best. 高興點兒。事情會有好結果的。
6. Take heart- we'll find a way out. 振作起來,我們會有辦法的。
7. Keep trying! Don't give up the ship. 繼續努力! 別輕易放棄!
8. Loosen up! It's not worth getting upset about. 放鬆點兒!不值得為這件事苦惱。
9. Hang in there. Things will get better. 堅持住,情況會好起來。
10. Keep smiling! things will calm down. 樂觀一點,事情會平息下來的。
11. It's not as bad as all that. 事情沒有那麽糟。
12. Things are never as bad as they seem. 事情往往不像看上去的那麽糟。
13. Win a few, lose a few. That's life. 有得也有失,生活就是如此。
14. Tet's look on the bright side. 我們來看看它好的一麵。
15. Every cloud has a silver lining. 再黑暗的地方也有一線光明。
16. When god closes a door, he opens a window. 山不轉水轉。
17. Tomorrow is another day. 有明天就有希望。
18. Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. 別太操心了,沒有你地球照樣轉。(carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders:自以為重任在肩。)

telling someone to accept a bad situation or failure

1. There's nothing you can do about it. 你對此無能為力。
2. That's the way it goes. 現實就是這樣。
3. You can't fight it. 你再爭也沒有用。
4. c'est la vie. 生活就是如此。
5. It was destined to happen.這是命中注定。
6. It's meant to be.命該如此。
7. What ever will be, will be. 該怎樣,就會怎樣。
8. It's just one of those things. 這樣的事情總是難免的。
9. At least we are not the only ones facing these problems. 至少不光是我們麵臨這樣的問題。
10. It's the best we can do under the circumstances. 情況就是這樣,我們已經盡力而為了。
11. You did the best you could. 你已經盡力而為了。
12. You get an a for effort. 你盡了最大的努力。
13. The important thing is that you tried. 重要的是你已經努力過了。
14. Winning isn't everything. 贏並不是一切。
15. It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. 關鍵不在於輸贏,而在於怎麽玩。

telling someone to leave things as they are.

1. Let it be. 隨它去。
2. Leave it be. 由它去。
3. Let things be. 順其自然。
4. Leave well enough alone. 得過且過,見好就收。
5. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. (ain't:口語中不規範的用法,在此為isn't。)本句字麵意思是:東西還沒壞,就別急去修它。
6. Live and let live. 各人有各人的活法。(本句字麵含義是:你按你的方式生活。也要讓別人按他們的方式生活。)
7. Let sleeping dogs lie. 別招惹麻煩。
8. Don't rock the boat. 不要無事生非,引起眾怒。(rock the boat:因發表不同意見而破現狀,給大家製造麻煩。)
9. Don't go looking for trouble. 別沒事找事。
10. Keep quiet about it if you know what's good for you. 什麽也別說,免得你自個兒添不自在。

telling someone to be careful

1. Safety first. 安全第一。
2. Play it safe. 做事要穩妥。
3. Play it cool. 做事要冷靜。
4. Look before you leap. 想好了再行動。
5. You'd better be careful. 你要小心一點。
6. You really must try and take more care. 你一定要更當心一點。
7. You need to pay more attention to it. 你需要更加留心。
8. Let's lake this one step at a time. 做這事我們要一步一步來。
9. Leave nothing to chance. 做任何事情都要有把握。
10. Take no chances with it. 這事兒可不能碰運氣。
11. Be on your guard. 你要提防著點兒。
12. You'd better watch your step or you'll get into trouble again. 你最好留點兒神,免得再惹麻煩。
13. You really must have your wits about your when dealing with such people. 跟這類人打交道,你必須格外警覺。

advising someone to follow the rules.

1. Do what you are told. 叫你怎麽做,你就怎麽做。
2. Don't ask why; just do as you are told.別問為什麽, 按要求去做就行了。
3. You can't do that! It's against the rules.你不能那麽做!那是違反規定的。
4. You must observe these simple rules.你必須遵守這些簡單的規定。
5. Keep to the rules, and nothing can go wrong. 按規矩辦事情就不會出差子。
6. Everyone is expected to stick to the rules.每個人都要遵守規則。
7. Go by the book. 照章辦事。
8. Rules are meant to be followed, not broken. 規則製訂出來是讓人遵守,而不是讓人破壞。
9. You can't afford to ignore the profession's code of conduct. 你不能無視行業的行為準則。
10. Those are the rules and regulations, and we have to abide by them.這些就是這兒的規矩,大家都應該遵守。
11. In this company you must toe the line if your want to keep your job. 在這個公司裏,你必須循規蹈矩才能保住飯碗。

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