
落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色 一句最有魅力的中國古詩. 令人心曠神怡,寧靜致遠.

Lesson 18 -- Everyone Bakes Cookies

(2009-08-23 17:03:01) 下一個

Lesson 18 -- Everyone Bakes Cookies

Speak English Like an American -- Lesson 18


Bob tells his family the cookies are selling well. He asks his kids to help bake more cookies for tomorrow. Nicole says she's too busy to lend a hand.

Bob:     The cookies are selling like hotcakes.
Ted:     Way to go, Dad!
Bob:     I need you kids to help out tonight with the cookies. We need another thousand by morning.
Nicole: One thousand by tomorrow morning? That's impossible!
Ted:     Amber and I will lend a hand. She's a real night owl, so she won't mind staying up late.
Bob:     Nicole, we'll need your help too.
Nicole: Bake cookies the night before the elections? Nothing doing!
Ted:     Lighten up, big shot! You are running for high school president, not president of the United States.
Nicole: Ted, you really get on my nerves sometimes.
Bob:    Okay, kids, let's stop fooling around. We need to get the show on the road.



Big shot – a powerful or important person

(to) fool around – to waste time, or spend it in a silly way

(to) get on one’s nerves – to annoy or irritate someone

(to) get the show on the road – to start working; to begin an undertaking

(to) lighten up – to stop taking things so seriously

Night owl – a person who enjoys being active late at night

Nothing doing! – Not a chance!

(to) stay up – not to go to bed; to stay awake

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