
落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色 一句最有魅力的中國古詩. 令人心曠神怡,寧靜致遠.

Lesson 15 -- Nicole Practices Her Election Speech

(2009-08-20 17:50:33) 下一個

Lesson 15 -- Nicole Practices Her Election Speech

Speak English Like an American -- Lesson 15

Nicole is running for student body president. She must give a speech next week. She discusses the speech with her mother.

Susan:   What's up, Nicole?
Nicole:  I pulled an all-nighter working on my election speech.
Susan:   No wonder you look like a basket case! Did you finish your speech?
Nicole:  Yes, at 6 a.m.
Susan:   That must be a load off your mind!
Nicole:  It's not. I've got to give the speech tomorrow in front of 1,500 people. I'm a nervous wreck!
Susan:   Just remember the old rule of thumb, imagine your audience naked.
Nicole:  That's gross. Why would I want to do that?
Susan:   According to conventional wisdom, it'll make you less nervous.
Nicole:  Only practice will do the trick.
Susan:   Okay, let hear the speech.
Nicole:  Good afternoon, everyone. There are four candidates running for president.
             You think you have several choices. In reality, you have just one choice: me!
Susan:   You can't say that. You'll turn off your audience immediately.
Nicole:  It sounds like I have a big head?
Susan:   I'll say.



Basket case (slang) – someone or something in a useless or hopeless condition

(to have a) big head – arrogant; too proud of oneself

Conventional wisdom – a widely held belief

(to)do the trick – to achieve the desired results

I’ll say! – yes, definitely!

In reality – in fact; actually

Load off one’s mind – a relief

Look like – have the appearance of

Nervous wreck – a person feeling very worried

No wonder – it’s not surprising

(to) pull an all-nighter – to stay up all night to do work

Rule of thumb – a useful principle

(to) turn off – to cause to feel dislike or revulsion


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