
落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色 一句最有魅力的中國古詩. 令人心曠神怡,寧靜致遠.

水調歌頭(宋)蘇軾 bilingual FROM:海外逸士

(2009-01-11 12:01:41) 下一個
水調歌頭(宋)蘇軾 bilingual

明月幾時有?When will there be the bright moon?
把酒問青天。I ask the azure Heaven, holding a cup of wine.
不知天上宮闕,I don’t know in the celestial palace
今夕是何年。In which year is tonight.
我欲乘風歸去,I want to return, riding on the wind
又恐瓊樓玉宇,But afraid in the jade towers
高處不勝寒。I can’t bear the chill on high.
起舞弄清影,If dancing there with my shadow
何似在人間?It’s unlike in the human world

轉朱閣,Turning round the red pavilions
低綺戶,Keeping low to the gauze-adorned doors
照無眠。And shining on the sleepless
不應有恨,Shouldn’t have rancor
何事長向別時圓?But why always grow round when parting?
人有悲歡離合,Humans have grief and glee, parting and meeting
月有陰晴圓缺,The moon’s now clouded, now shining, now waxing, now waning
此事古難全。This thing can’t be perfect since time of yore
但願人長久,I only wish humans have a long life
千裏共嬋娟。So everything’s fine within a thousand miles
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