
落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色 一句最有魅力的中國古詩. 令人心曠神怡,寧靜致遠.

英語幽默: ...with the business hero

(2008-12-22 10:21:03) 下一個
...with the business hero

A businessman was dining at a fancy restaurant and, so the story goes, met Lee Iacocca by the phone booth. "Mr Iacocca," he gushed, "the American business hero! I′ve studied your career, and any success I′ve had, comes from emulating you. Would you do me a favour? I′m with some colleagues. Please come by my table, say "Hello, Harry," and let me introduce you. It would mean so much to me." Iacocca agreed.

He waited for the man to sit down and then walked toward his table. "Holy smoke!" cried one of Harry"s friends. "It′s Lee Iacocca, and he′s heading this way!" "Hello, Harry!" Iacocca said. "Introduce me to your friends." Harry looked at him blankly. "Come back later, Lee," he said. "We′re trying to have lunch."

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