
落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色 一句最有魅力的中國古詩. 令人心曠神怡,寧靜致遠.

Diplomatic Language Training ( from: LordSeth)

(2008-10-28 21:40:56) 下一個
Diplomatic Language Training (Source: Oral communication skills for business. Classnotes)

Doing buisiness in any language can be a challenge, but managing to assert a clear and strong point without offending requires diplomatic language. When we feel strongly about something in a business deal, we can't often say exactly what we are thinking. We have to carefully choose our words and develop habits of effective diplomacy.

What you say (what you think)

1. Unfortunately, we would be unable to accept that. (We can't accept it)
2. With respect, that's not quite right. (That's wrong)
3. We do share contractual obligations. (Don't forget your obligations.)
4. It surprises us that we are expected to cover the costs. (We're shocked you expect us to cover the costs.)
5. We would find this difficult to agree to. (We won't agree to this.)
6. We were rather hoping to finalize the deal today. (We must finalize the deal today.)
7. I'm sorry, but we're not very happy with this offer. (We are unhappy with this offer.)
8. Actually, we were hoping for a more substantial rebate. (We want a bigger rebate.)
9. I'm afraid that the point is not clear. (You obviously don't understand.)
10. We understood there would be a discount. (You said there would be a discount.)
11. We would need some sort of a gurarantee. (We want a guarantee.)
12. We're not completely satisfied (We are dissatisfied.)

Diplomatic Language Training (Source: Oral communication skills for business. UC Berkeley Class notes)

Agreeing and Disagreeing

There are lots of ways to show that you agree or disagree with someone's opinions and ideas.
Here is a list of some of these ways.

Agreeing (Disagreeing)

Of course (However...)
Right (I'm afraid I disagree...)
That's true (On the other hand...)
I agree (On the contrary...)
I agree completely (That's not (entirely) true...)
You're absolutely right (I can't possibly accept that ...)
That's a good point (All right, but don't you think ...)
I couldn't agree with you more (I don't see it that way)
That's just what I think (Are you kidding (me)?!)
I feel the same way (That's ridiculous!)
You SAID it! (Ah, come on!)
You can say THAT again! (I don't buy that!)

Mild agreement (Mild Disagreement)

Well, I think I would (Well…, I probably wouldn't)
I think so (Probably not)
I might (I (really) don't think so)
I might consider it (I doubt it)
It depends on … (I can see what you mean, but I disagree a bit)

Strong Agreement (Strong Disagreement)

You BET I would! (Not for all the tea in China!)
Of course I would ! (Never! Not on your life!)
I certainly would! (I'd never dothat!)
Most likely, I would (No way!)
Sure I would! (Never in a million years!)
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