
落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色 一句最有魅力的中國古詩. 令人心曠神怡,寧靜致遠.

流行美語: ticked off ; close call

(2008-08-27 20:36:51) 下一個

在紐約上大學的Michael和李華今天在華盛頓參觀名勝古跡。他們在對話裏會用到兩個常用語:ticked off ,另一個是close call。

L: Michael, 大家都說紐約人開車不守規矩,我看華盛頓的人也好不了多少。剛才那輛車差一點撞到我!

M: Yeah, I saw that. Crossing the streets in New York and Washington is dangerous. But getting ticked off about it won't do you any good.

L: 對,在紐約和華盛頓穿馬路是很危險。你說什麽對我沒好處? Ticked off?

M: Yes, Ticked off means to get angry or annoyed at something. Getting angry at the drivers will not do you any good.

L: 噢,ticked off的意思是為什麽事情生氣。 你剛才說的是我對開車的人生氣沒有什麽好處。看來讓我ticked off的事還挺多。

M: Yeah, like when your boyfriend broke up with you right before we started classes.

L: 你還提醒我這事!我以前那男朋友剛開學就跟我分手,當時我真的非常生氣。不過,Michael,我覺得你也很愛生氣。

M: Well, I got pretty ticked off a few days ago when the professor gave me a low score on the exam.

L: 對,和你同班的中國同學王光告訴我你那天非常生氣,因為那個教授給你的考試判分判得很低。Ticked off這個說法很好,以前我就知道用angry這個字。

M: Hey, are you hungry? We haven't eaten in a while.

L: 剛才好生氣,連肚子餓也忘了。走,去吃點東西吧!


M: Now that we have eaten, let's walk to the White House. It's not too far from here.

L: 到白宮去?太好了,除了照片外,我還沒有看到過真的白宮呢!

M: Watch out Li Hua! Get back!

L: 喲! 我的天哪!我的天哪!真嚇死我了!我以為這下我可完了!

M: Oh, my god! Are you okay? Geez, that was really a close call.

L: Michael, 我都差一點被車撞了, 而你還在說什麽close call,這跟打電話根本沒有關係!

M: No, that's not what I meant by close call. I meant that the car nearly hit you.

L: 對啊,那車差一點就撞上我了,這就是 close call?

M: Actually, Li Hua, close call means that you narrowly avoided danger. Something bad could have happened to you, but you narrowly avoided a bad situation.

L: 原來close call就是說,差一點發生倒黴的事,我算是逃避了這倒黴事。我可以說,今天我差一點沒被汽車撞了。對不對?

M: Yeah, that's right.

L: 那close call是不是一定用在跟生命危險有關的場合呢?

M: Not really. Let me give you another example. The paper you and I turned in this week was almost late. That was also a close call.

L: 對,那個教授讓我們在星期二前把學術報告交給他,我們是星期一晚上去交的,差一點就過了限期,這也可以說是close call。 下回我可再也不敢這麽做了。

M: Here we are! The White House!

L: 太好了! 白宮到了, 那我們趕快走把。

今天 Michael 和李華在對話中用的一個常用語是ticked off, 意思是為了什麽事情生氣; 另一個是close call,意思 是差一點沒發生倒黴的事,或是差一點完不成該做的事。 [流行美語]就學習到這裏, 我們下次再見。

(To be continued)
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